Website and monitoring#

After deploying your strategy either through Hot wallet deployment or Vault deployment, it can start trading immediately.

You will still need to want to

  • See how the strategy performs

  • Set up alerts for error conditions like software crashes and gas spikes


trade-executor offers multiple ways to report what it is doing

Exposing the webhook port using a reverse HTTP proxy#

After the trade-executor is running, its Webhook server is functional. You still need to map HTTPS reverse proxy that exposes trade-executor webhook to the world.

  • trade-executor webhook server is read by the web frontend, monitoring tools

  • We need to have a DNS name which points to our trade executor

  • We need to map this DNS name to our server and our server needs to have a web server at ports 80 and 443 to proxy the traffic

Here is an example how to configure Caddyfile subdomain for the trade executor webhook. We do not cover how to run Caddy in these instructions, more examples can be found in proxy-server repository.

# pancake-eth-usd-sma trade executor
# See for details.
# Internal 19003 port is set in docker-compose.yml
# {


http:// or https:// in Caddy depends on how your server traffic is configured. For details see Caddy documentation.

Point your DNS service to have A and AAAA subdomains for pancake-eth-usd-sma.

After restaring Caddy with the new configutaion, you can do the same ping test as we did using the localhost interface earlier. This time, we are using the world exposed URL.

Perform the command your your local computer:


This should give you the JSON result:

{"ping": "pong"}

Web frontend#

Trading Strategy SvelteKit based web frontend provides user interface for the strategy execution.

  • The frontend runs as its independent web server using SvelteKit’s built-in Vite web server, plus any number of reverse proxies like Cloudflare

  • The frontend pulls the data from the trade executor over the webhook interface

Available strategies displayed on the website are configured in TS_PUBLIC_STRATEGIES environment variable passed to the frontend when it is launched. This is usually done when the Docker instance of the frontend is restarted.

  • To test the frontend updates, you can run the frontend locally, you just need Node and NPM. The instructions are in README.

  • Edit the .env file on tbe production server to include the new strategy information

  • TS_PUBLIC_STRATEGIES is a JSON encoded list of JavaScript objects

  • For each strategy you need id, name, and webhook url

  • Restart Docker instance

  • Visit on /strategies landing page to see your new strategy is now showing up

For more information, see frontend Github repository.

Discord notifications#

A strategy can report its status to Discord.

  • trade-executor takes this setting in DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL configuration variable

  • Create a Discord channel

  • Choose Channel settings > Integrations > Create Webhook

  • Name your webhook the same as your strategy

  • Store the Discord webhook URL as DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL in the secrets configuration file

Logstash logging#

Logstash provides centralised logging server where multiple applications can send their logs.

  • Better security and auditability as logs are centrally managed and secured

  • Good search functionality over logs, allowing to diagnose issues faster

  • Logstash is using unauthenticated UDP for log streams: you need to authenticate any logger using firewall IP address based whitelisting

A trade-executor can send its Python logs to LogStash using LogStash adapter.

For further configuration about LogStash logging, see python-logstash documentation.

Monitoring the Docker container#

The Docker container is set up in such a way that it won’t crash in the case trade-execution fails with a Python exception

  • The instance and its webhook service stay up despite trade-executor stopping

  • You can read the status of the trade-executor is running back from /status endpoint

  • See /status documentation here.

Thus, the normal docker-compose restart policies are not working. Any trade execution restart should be done only manually.

You can check the status if trade-executor is running by:

curl http://localhost:19003/status | jq
  "last_refreshed_at": 1669801614.073565,
  "executor_running": true,
  "completed_cycle": null,
  "exception": null

For any uptime monitoring you can check the status of executor_running field to confirm the trade executor is properly running.