Lagoon vault deployment#

Here are specific instructions to deploy a vault with Lagoon. The instructions have only Lagoon specific bits. For full guide see Vault deployment.


An automated trading Lagoon vault consists of

  • Safe multisig wallet

  • Lagoon vault smart contract: manages deposit and redemption calls

  • Lagoon silo smart contract: stores deposit queue assets before they are settled in the vault

  • Gnosis Safe multisig: main contract storing the assets

  • Trading Strategy Module:

    A Zodiac-module to enable automated asset management with safeguard

Lagoon example deploy script#

This example deploy script used with Docker Compose setup for creating a vault on Base.

The deployment creates contracts - Safe - Vault - TradingStrategyModuleV0

To deploy - You need Ethescan-compatible API key to verify deployed contracts onchain - Do Anvil-based simulation first - Then do live deployment - You need to give a bunch of multisig cosigners who will be owners of the created Safe

The deployer creates several transactions to configure TradingStrategyModuleV0.

Secrets needed, give to the script via Docker compose environment variable files:


An example deployment script:

# Deploy Lagoon vault for a strategy defined in docker-compose.yml
# Set up
# - Gnosis Safe
# - Vault smart contract
# - TradingStrategyModuleV0 guard with allowed assets
# - trade executor hot wallet as the asset manager role
# To run:
#   SIMULATE=true deploy/

set -e

if [ "$SIMULATE" = "" ]; then
    echo "Set SIMULATE=true or SIMULATE=false"
    exit 1

if [ "$TRADE_EXECUTOR_VERSION" = "" ]; then
    echo "TRADE_EXECUTOR_VERSION missing"
    exit 1

set -u

# docker composer entry name

# ERC-20 share token symbol

# ERC-20 share toke  name
export FUND_NAME="All-time high (Base)"

# The vault is nominated in USDC on Base
export DENOMINATION_ASSET="0x833589fCD6eDb6E08f4c7C32D4f71b54bdA02913"

# 0%

#: 20%

# Set as the initial owners or deployed Safe + deployer will be threre
# Safe signing threshold is number of cosigners minus one.
export MULTISIG_OWNERS="0xa7208b5c92d4862b3f11c0047b57a00Dc304c0f8, 0xbD35322AA7c7842bfE36a8CF49d0F063bf83a100, 0x05835597cAf9e04331dfe1f62C2Ec0C2aDc0d4a2, 0x5C46ab9e42824c51b55DcD3Cf5876f1132F9FbA9"

# Terms of service manager smart contract address.
# This one is deployed on Polygon.
# export TERMS_OF_SERVICE_ADDRESS="0xDCD7C644a6AA72eb2f86781175b18ADc30Aa4f4d"

# Run the command
# - Pass private key and JSON-RPC node from environment variables
# - Set vault-info.json to be written to a local file system

docker compose run \
    -e SIMULATE \
    $ID \
    lagoon-deploy-vault \
    --vault-record-file="deploy/$ID-vault-info.json" \
    --fund-name="$FUND_NAME" \
    --fund-symbol="$FUND_SYMBOL" \
    --denomination-asset="$DENOMINATION_ASSET" \
    --any-asset \
    --uniswap-v2 \
    --uniswap-v3 \
    --multisig-owners="$MULTISIG_OWNERS" \
    --performance-fee="$PERFORMANCE_FEE" \

Example output:

Key                            Label
Deployer                       0x5BbB9768f878a2eDe9A4317878606fd1BA9e7879
Safe                           0x04a7cBA3f913eC9aD3f9A26E604F3e75d4E6b530
Vault                          0x6E20dA351c36eb30241E9D62961681288FD34397
Trading strategy module        0x4ef44a6835F98D4Eac7D74aE3c196a832B19B939
Asset manager                  0x5BbB9768f878a2eDe9A4317878606fd1BA9e7879
Underlying token               0x833589fCD6eDb6E08f4c7C32D4f71b54bdA02913
Underlying symbol              USDC
Share token                    0x6E20dA351c36eb30241E9D62961681288FD34397
Share token symbol             MEMEX
Multisig owners                0xa7208b5c92d4862b3f11c0047b57a00Dc304c0f8, 0xbD35322AA7c7842bfE36a8CF49d0F063bf83a100, 0x05835597cAf9e04331dfe1f62C2Ec0C2aDc0d4a2, 0x5C46ab9e42824c51b55DcD3Cf5876f1132F9FbA9
Block number                   24,773,588

Safe multisignature wallet cosigners#

Each Lagoon vault has an underlying Safe multisignature wallet with cosigners.

These cosigners are given to the development script, but you need to manually remove the deployer key from the Safe cosigner list. This operation has to be done by other cosigners.