API documentation for tradeexecutor.analysis.pair.display_strategy_universe Python function.
- display_strategy_universe(strategy_universe, show_tvl=True, show_volume=True, show_price=True, now_=None, tolerance=Timedelta('90 days 00:00:00'), sort_key='id', sort_ascending=True, sort_numeric=True)[source]#
Displays a constructed trading strategy universe in table format.
Designed for notebook debug and live trading startup checks
To be called at the end of
Returns a human-readable table of selected trading pairs and their nature
Contains latest TVL, price and volume figures for the reference
Pairs can be - Part of trading - Benchmarks - Benchmark pairs are detected by
with pd.option_context('display.max_rows', None, 'display.max_columns', None, 'display.width', 140): universe_df = display_strategy_universe(universe) logger.info("Universe is:
%sā, str(universe_df))
Example 2:
strategy_universe = create_trading_universe( None, client, notebook_execution_context, UniverseOptions.from_strategy_parameters_class(Parameters, notebook_execution_context) ) display_strategy_universe( strategy_universe, sort_key="tvl", sort_ascending=False, )
- return:
Human-readable DataFrame for
.Empty DataFrame returned if the incoming universe is partial.
- Parameters:
strategy_universe (TradingStrategyUniverse) ā
- Return type: