API documentation for tradeexecutor.visual.grid_search_basic.visualise_grid_search_equity_curves Python function.
- visualise_grid_search_equity_curves(results, name=None, benchmark_indexes=None, height=1200, colour=None, log_y=False, alpha=0.7, label_func=None, annotation_xshift=200)[source]#
Draw multiple equity curves in the same chart.
See how all grid searched strategies work
Benchmark against buy and hold of various assets
Benchmark against hold all cash
TODO: A lot of parameter descriptions are not up-to-date.
Only good up to ~hundreds results. If more than thousand result, rendering takes too long time.
Example that draws equity curve comparison with custom labels:
from tradeexecutor.visual.grid_search_basic import visualise_grid_search_equity_curves from tradeexecutor.analysis.multi_asset_benchmark import get_benchmark_data # Automatically create BTC and ETH buy and hold benchmark if present # in the trading universe benchmark_indexes = get_benchmark_data( strategy_universe, cumulative_with_initial_cash=Parameters.initial_cash, ) fig = visualise_grid_search_equity_curves( grid_search_results, benchmark_indexes=benchmark_indexes, log_y=False, label_func=lambda x: f"Decision cycle {x.get_parameter('cycle_duration').value}, CARG {x.get_cagr():.0%}, Sharpe {x.get_sharpe():.1f}", )
Example that draws equity curves of a grid search results.
from tradeexecutor.visual.grid_search_basic import visualise_grid_search_equity_curves from tradeexecutor.analysis.multi_asset_benchmark import get_benchmark_data # Automatically create BTC and ETH buy and hold benchmark if present # in the trading universe benchmark_indexes = get_benchmark_data( strategy_universe, cumulative_with_initial_cash=ShiftedStrategyParameters.initial_cash, ) fig = visualise_grid_search_equity_curves( grid_search_results, name="8h clock shift, stop loss added and adjusted momentum", benchmark_indexes=benchmark_indexes, log_y=False, )
- Parameters:
results (List[GridSearchResult]) – Results from the grid search.
benchmark_indexes (pandas.core.frame.DataFrame | None) –
List of other asset price series displayed on the timeline besides equity curve.
DataFrame containing multiple series.
Asset name is the series name.
Setting colour for pd.Series.attrs allows you to override the colour of the index
height – Chart height in pixels
colour – Colour of the equity curve e.g. “rgba(160, 160, 160, 0.5)”. If provided, all equity curves will be drawn with this colour.
start_at – When the backtest started
end_at – When the backtest ended
additional_indicators –
Additional technical indicators drawn on this chart.
List of indicator names.
The indicators must be plotted earlier using state.visualisation.plot_indicator().
Note: Currently not very useful due to Y axis scale
log_y –
Use logarithmic Y-axis.
Because we accumulate larger treasury over time, the swings in the value will be higher later. We need to use a logarithmic Y axis so that we can compare the performance early in the strateg and late in the strategy.
label_func (Callable) – Create custom legend to compare
name (str | None) –
- Return type: