Setting up development environment#


This documentation section covers how to run Trading Strategy code examples and notebooks:

  • How to set up a Python-based Trading Strategy development environment on your local computer or a cloud server


If you want to get started fast, you can directly jump to Getting started Github repository and Codespaces.


Code examples are available able Jupyter notebooks in this documentation.

You to be able work with the examples you need to have

Development environment options#

We offer different strategy development environments for different level of developers:

Next steps#

After setting up your development environment, go to tutorials section of the documentation.

You find tutorials for:

  • How to develop and backtest your own automated trading strategies

  • How to analyse DeFi market data

  • How to use Trading Strategy API

Getting an API key#

To get a Trading Strategy API key needed to access some of the datasets, please visit here.

  • Any notebook will prompt you to get and enter the API key if you do not have one yet

  • Some binaries like trade-executor docker will read the API key from TRADING_STRATEGY_API_KEY environment variable.

  • API key is free


export TRADING_STRATEGY_API_KEY="secret-token:tradingstrategy-d534e28..."