
API documentation for tradeexecutor.strategy.pandas_trader.strategy_input.StrategyInputIndicators Python class in Trading Strategy framework.

class StrategyInputIndicators[source]#

Bases: object

Indicator results for the strategy decision.

A helper class to read and manipulate indicator and price values. Thi class wraps the indicator results, both cached and real-time, to a format that has good developer experience when accessed from decide_trades().

  • Indicators are prepared in create_indicators function

  • The framework takes care of recalculating indicators when needed, for backtest and live access

  • For backtests, this class is instiated only once

  • We assume all indicator data is forward-filled and no gaps

How to use

__init__(strategy_universe, available_indicators, indicator_results, timestamp=None)#
Return type:



__init__(strategy_universe, ...[, timestamp])

get_indicator_data_pairs_combined(name[, ...])

Get indicator data for all pairs in a single blob.

get_indicator_dataframe(name[, pair])

Get the whole raw indicator data for DataFrame-like indicator with multiple columns.

get_indicator_series(name[, column, pair, ...])

Get the whole indicator data series.

get_indicator_value(name[, column, pair, ...])

Read the available value of an indicator.


Get full OHLCV price feed for a trading pair.

get_price([pair, data_lag_tolerance, index, ...])

Read the available close price of a trading pair.

get_price_series([column, pair])

Get the whole price series.

get_recent_price_series([column, pair])

Similar to get_price_series, but only returns the past data.

get_tvl([pair, data_lag_tolerance, index, ...])

Read the available TVL of a trading pair.

prepare_decision_cycle(cycle, timestamp)

Called for each decision cycle by the framework..

resolve_indicator_data(name[, column, pair, ...])

Get access to indicator data series/frame.



Trading universe


Available indicators as defined in create_indicators()


Raw cached indicator results or ones calculated in the memory


The current decision_cycle() timestamp.

strategy_universe: TradingStrategyUniverse#

Trading universe

  • Perform additional pair lookups if needed

available_indicators: IndicatorSet#

Available indicators as defined in create_indicators()

indicator_results: dict[tradeexecutor.strategy.pandas_trader.indicator.IndicatorKey, tradeexecutor.strategy.pandas_trader.indicator.IndicatorResult]#

Raw cached indicator results or ones calculated in the memory

timestamp: pandas._libs.tslibs.timestamps.Timestamp | None#

The current decision_cycle() timestamp.

Stored here, so we do not need to pass it explicitly in API.


Get full OHLCV price feed for a trading pair.


DataFrame with open, high, low, close, volume columns.


pair (Optional[Union[TradingPairIdentifier, Tuple[ChainId, str | None, str, str, float], Tuple[ChainId, str | None, str, str]]]) –

Return type:


get_price(pair=None, data_lag_tolerance=Timedelta('7 days 00:00:00'), index=- 1, timestamp=None, column='close')[source]#

Read the available close price of a trading pair.

  • Returns the latest available close price.

  • Does not return the current price in the decision_cycle, because any decision must be made based on the previous price to avoid lookahead bias.

  • pair (Optional[Union[TradingPairIdentifier, Tuple[ChainId, str | None, str, str, float], Tuple[ChainId, str | None, str, str]]]) –

    The trading pair for which we query the price.

    Give as id object or human description tuple format.

    E.g. (ChainId.centralised_exchange, “binance”, “ETH”, “USDT”).

  • data_lag_tolerance – In the case the data has issues (no recent price), then accept a price that’s this old.

  • index (int) –

    Access a specific previous timeframe item.

    If not given, always return the previous available value. Timeframe = candle bar here.

    Uses Python list access notation. - -1 is the last item (previous time frame value, yesterday). - -2 is the item before previous time frame (the day before yesterday). - 0 is looking to the future (the value at the end of the current day that has not yet passed)

  • timestamp (pandas._libs.tslibs.timestamps.Timestamp | None) –

    Look price at a specific timestamp.

    Manually calculate lookback. There is no timeshift for this value, so unless you are careful you may case lookahead bias.

    index parameter is ignored.

  • column

    Which column to read from the price series.

    E.g. “volume”.


The latest available price.

None if no price information is yet available at this point of time for the strategy.

Return type:

float | None

get_tvl(pair=None, data_lag_tolerance=Timedelta('7 days 00:00:00'), index=- 1, timestamp=None)[source]#

Read the available TVL of a trading pair.

  • Returns the latest available TVL/liquidity sample.

  • Does not return the current liquidity in the decision_cycle, because any decision must be made based on the previous price to avoid lookahead bias.

See also get_price()

  • pair (Optional[Union[TradingPairIdentifier, Tuple[ChainId, str | None, str, str, float], Tuple[ChainId, str | None, str, str]]]) –

    The trading pair for which we query the price.

    Give as id object or human description tuple format.

    E.g. (ChainId.centralised_exchange, “binance”, “ETH”, “USDT”).

  • data_lag_tolerance – In the case the data has issues (no recent price), then accept a price that’s this old.

  • index (int) –

    Access a specific previous timeframe item.

    If not given, always return the previous available value. Timeframe = candle bar here.

    Uses Python list access notation. - -1 is the last item (previous time frame value, yesterday). - -2 is the item before previous time frame (the day before yesterday). - 0 is looking to the future (the value at the end of the current day that has not yet passed)

  • timestamp (pandas._libs.tslibs.timestamps.Timestamp | None) –

    Look price at a specific timestamp.

    Manually calculate lookback. There is no timeshift for this value, so unless you are careful you may case lookahead bias.

    index parameter is ignored.


The latest available TVL.

None if no price information is yet available at this point of time for the strategy.

Return type:

float | None

get_indicator_value(name, column=None, pair=None, index=- 1, clock_shift=Timedelta('0 days 00:00:00'), data_delay_tolerance='auto')[source]#

Read the available value of an indicator.

  • Returns the latest available indicator value.

  • Does not return the current timestamp value in the decision_cycle, because any decision must be made based on the previous price.

  • Normalises missing inputs, NaNs and other data issues to Python None.

Single pair example with a single series indicator (RSI):

def create_indicators(parameters: StrategyParameters, indicators: IndicatorSet, strategy_universe: TradingStrategyUniverse, execution_context: ExecutionContext):
    indicators.add("rsi", pandas_ta.rsi, {"length": parameters.rsi_length})

# Then in decide_traces()

# Read the RSI value of our only trading pair
indicator_value = input.indicators.get_indicator_value("rsi")

Single pair example with a multi-series indicator (Bollinger band):

def create_indicators(parameters: StrategyParameters, indicators: IndicatorSet, strategy_universe: TradingStrategyUniverse, execution_context: ExecutionContext):
    indicators.add("bb", pandas_ta.bbands, {"length": parameters.bb_length})

# Then in decide_traces()

# Read bollinger band value for the current trading pair.
# Bollinger band look up length was 20 and standard deviation 2.0.
bb_value = input.indicators.get_indicator_value("bb", "BBL_20_2.0")

Example accessing latest and previous values for cross over test:

current_rsi_values[pair] = indicators.get_indicator_value("rsi", pair=pair)
previous_rsi_values[pair] = indicators.get_indicator_value("rsi", index=-2, pair=pair)

# Check for RSI crossing our threshold values in this cycle, compared to the previous cycle
if current_rsi_values[pair] and previous_rsi_values[pair]:
    rsi_cross_above = current_rsi_values[pair] >= parameters.rsi_high and previous_rsi_values[btc_pair] < parameters.rsi_high
    rsi_cross_below = current_rsi_values[pair] < parameters.rsi_low and previous_rsi_values[pair] > parameters.rsi_low
  • name (str) – Indicator name as defined in create_indicators.

  • column (str | None) –

    The name of the sub-column to read.

    For multicolumn indicators like Bollinger Bands, which produce multiple series of data from one column of price data.

  • pair (Optional[Union[TradingPairIdentifier, Tuple[ChainId, str | None, str, str, float], Tuple[ChainId, str | None, str, str]]]) –

    Trading pair.

    Must be given if the working with a multipair strategy.

  • index (int) –

    Access a specific previous timeframe item.

    If not given, always return the previous available value. Timeframe = candle bar here.

    Uses Python list access notation. - -1 is the last item (previous time frame value, yesterday). - -2 is the item before previous time frame (the day before yesterday). - 0 is looking to the future (the value at the end of the current day that has not yet passed)

  • clock_shift (Timedelta) – Used in time-shifted backtesting.

  • data_delay_tolerance (Timedelta) –

    If we do not have an exact timestamp match in the data series, look for the previous value.

    Look back max data_delay_tolerance days / hours to get a previous value using forward-fill technique.

    We need to do this when there is a mismatch between the indicator timeframe (e.g. daily) and decision cycle / price time frame (e.g. 15 minutes).

    Set to None to always return indicator value for the exact timestamp match.

    Set to `auto to try to figure out mismatch between indicator data and candle data automatically.s


The latest available indicator value.

Any NaN, NA or not a number value in the indicator data is translated to Python None.

Return None if value not yet available when asked at the current decision moment.


IndicatorDataNotFoundWithinDataTolerance – We asked data_delay_tolerance look backwards, but there wasn’t any samples within the tolerance.

Return type:

float | None

get_indicator_series(name, column=None, pair=None, unlimited=False)[source]#

Get the whole indicator data series.

By default, return data that is only available before the current timestamp.


Indicator data.

Data may contain NaN values.

Return None if any data is not yet available before this stamp.

Return type:

pandas.core.series.Series | None

get_price_series(column='close', pair=None)[source]#

Get the whole price series.

  • Use for visualisation and other checks

  • Not useful inside decide_trades, as includes future data


Indicator data.

Data may contain NaN values.

Return type:


get_recent_price_series(column='close', pair=None)[source]#

Similar to get_price_series, but only returns the past data.


Price series up to the current timestamp.

get_indicator_dataframe(name, pair=None)[source]#

Get the whole raw indicator data for DataFrame-like indicator with multiple columns.

See also get_indicator_series()


DataFrame for a multicolumn indicator like Bollinger Bands or ADX

Return type:


resolve_indicator_data(name, column=None, pair=None, unlimited=False)[source]#

Get access to indicator data series/frame.

Throw friendly error messages for pitfalls.

Return type:

pandas.core.series.Series | pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

get_indicator_data_pairs_combined(name, pair_filter=None)[source]#

Get indicator data for all pairs in a single blob.

Example code:

class Parameters:

rsi_length = 20

def create_indicators(

timestamp, parameters, strategy_universe, execution_context,

) -> IndicatorSet:

indicator_set = IndicatorSet() indicator_set.add(“rsi”, pandas_ta.rsi, {“length”: parameters.rsi_length}) return indicator_set

# Calculate indicators - will spawn multiple worker processed, # or load cached results from the disk indicators = calculate_and_load_indicators_inline(

strategy_universe=strategy_universe, parameters=StrategyParameters.from_class(Parameters), create_indicators=create_indicators,


series = indicators.get_indicator_data_pairs_combined(“rsi”) print(series)

assert isinstance(series, pd.Series) assert isinstance(series.index, pd.MultiIndex)

pair_ids = series.index.get_level_values(“pair_id”) assert list(pair_ids.unique()) == [1, 2]


pair_id  timestamp
1        2021-06-01          NaN
         2021-06-02          NaN
         2021-06-03          NaN
         2021-06-04          NaN
         2021-06-05          NaN
2        2021-12-27    54.956639
         2021-12-28    54.843694
         2021-12-29    48.713734
         2021-12-30    45.456219
         2021-12-31    49.308201
  • name (str) – Indicator name. Must be pd.Series based data.

  • pair_filter (Optional[Callable]) –

    Function pair_filter(TradingPairIdentifier).

    If give only include trading pairs for which this function returns True.


Series data with (pair_id, timestamp) index.

Return type:


prepare_decision_cycle(cycle, timestamp)[source]#

Called for each decision cycle by the framework..

  • Instead of making a copy of this data structure each time, we just bump the timestamp

__init__(strategy_universe, available_indicators, indicator_results, timestamp=None)#
Return type:
