Market data client#
This is the API documentation for Python tradingstrategy package.
tradingstrategy is a Python client for downloading decentralised market data from Trading Strategy oracles.
This allows
Processing Decentralised exchange market data using pandas
Quantitative finance research for decentralised market trading opportunities
For code examples, see getting started tutorial.
Trading Strategy client#
Trading strategy client. |
Blockchain ids. |
Exchange information and analysis. |
Trading pair information and pair datasets. |
Tradind OHLCV candle data and manipulation. |
Liquidity data feed manipulation. |
Individual DEX trade data. |
Time window presentation. |
Token presentation. |
Reading and consuming datasets. |
Price impact calculations. |
Stablecoin filtering. |
Generic units used in data models used in Capitalgram. |
Miscellaneous utility functions |
Data download functionality. |
Plotting price action charts. |
Unit and integration testing helpers. |
Binance data import helpers. |
Real time OHLCV candles directly from on-chain data. |