API documentation for tradingstrategy.utils.liquidity_filter.prefilter_pairs_with_tvl Python function.
- prefilter_pairs_with_tvl(client, pairs_df, chain_id, min_tvl, start, end, time_bucket=TimeBucket.d7)[source]#
Remove pairs that never reach TVL threshold during their lifetime.
Only applicable for backtesting, as this uses static datasets
TODO: Add live trading version
chain_id = Parameters.chain_id exchange_universe = client.fetch_exchange_universe() pairs_df = client.fetch_pair_universe().to_pandas() # Drop other chains to make the dataset smaller to work with chain_mask = pairs_df["chain_id"] == Parameters.chain_id.value pairs_df = pairs_df[chain_mask] # Pull out our benchmark pairs ids. # We need to construct pair universe object for the symbolic lookup. pair_universe = PandasPairUniverse(pairs_df, exchange_universe=exchange_universe) benchmark_pair_ids = [pair_universe.get_pair_by_human_description(desc).pair_id for desc in SUPPORTING_PAIRS] category_df = pairs_df # category_df = filter_for_quote_tokens(category_df, {USDC_NATIVE_TOKEN[chain_id.value].lower()}) category_df = add_base_quote_address_columns(category_df) category_df = filter_for_stablecoins(category_df, StablecoinFilteringMode.only_volatile_pairs) category_pair_ids = category_df["pair_id"] our_pair_ids = list(category_pair_ids) + benchmark_pair_ids # From these pair ids, see what trading pairs we have on Ethereum mainnet pairs_df = pairs_df[pairs_df["pair_id"].isin(our_pair_ids)] # Limit by DEX pairs_df = pairs_df[pairs_df["exchange_slug"].isin(Parameters.exchanges)] # Get TVL data for prefilteirng pairs_df = prefilter_pairs_with_tvl( client, pairs_df, chain_id=Parameters.chain_id, min_tvl=Parameters.min_tvl, start=Parameters.backtest_start, end=Parameters.backtest_end, ) print(f"After TVL filter {Parameters.min_tvl:,} USD we have {len(pairs_df)} tradeable pairs")