Repairing frozen trading positions#
Automatically managed positions may end up to a “frozen” state in the case the trade execution logic encounters and error and a safety trips.
Trading position is marked as frozen if a trade executor attempts to trade a position, but the trade fails for a reason or another
Positions are shown on Frozen positions list
Frozen positions are not included in the total equity of a strategy
Frozen positions need manual intervention
The reasons why a trade executor may mark a position as a frozen
The gas fee needed to complete the trade was higher than the allowed limit
A blockchain node was down
The blockchain itself was halted (see BNB Chain incident)
Internal error that needs to be patched
Out of gas money
Fixing frozen positions#
Currently the frozen positions can be fixed manually on the server where the trade executor is running.
First clear any obstacles that might be blocking the frozen position trades, like topping up the gas wallet.
Go to the server and docker-compose.yml folder where the trade executor is running.
Choose the trade executor Docker image version (you can peak the current version using docker ps command):
source scripts/
# Or manualy:
# Tell docker-compose.yaml the pinned software version
# Executor name for the following commmands
Check running strategies
docker-compose ps
For any strategy to be repaired, its trade executor must be stopped first.
docker-compose stop $EXECUTOR_ID
Now you can start the repair:
docker-compose run $EXECUTOR_ID repair
This will attempt to re-execute all trades that failed prior.
The process is interactive and will prompt you the trades before attempting to fix them, so it is safe to run.
After the repair command is run you get a report:
Saved state to state/quickswap-matic-usd-ema.json, total 1623881 chars
Restarting the executor#
For any strategy to be repaired, its trade executor must be stopped first.
docker-compose up -d $EXECUTOR_ID