"""Schema manipulation utitilies.
Constructing PyArrow schemas.
.. note ::
Legacy. This module is likely to be removed.
For more information about Pyarrow Schemas, see https://arrow.apache.org/docs/python/api/datatypes.html
import typing
from enum import Enum
from typing import Optional, Dict, Callable, List
from dataclasses import fields, Field
import pyarrow as pa
from tradingstrategy.chain import ChainId
from tradingstrategy.types import PrimaryKey, NonChecksummedAddress, BlockNumber, UNIXTimestamp, BasisPoint
class CannotMap(Exception):
[docs]def unmappable(t):
raise CannotMap(f"Cannot automatically map {t}")
#: Default mappings for automatic schema generation,
#: Including our own type definitions,
PrimaryKey: lambda t: pa.uint32(),
ChainId: lambda t: pa.uint16(),
NonChecksummedAddress: lambda t: pa.string(),
BlockNumber: lambda t: pa.uint32(),
UNIXTimestamp: lambda t: pa.timestamp("s"),
BasisPoint: lambda t: pa.uint32(),
bool: lambda t: pa.bool_(),
float: lambda t: pa.float32(),
int: lambda t: pa.uint32(),
str: lambda t: pa.string(),
dict: lambda t: unmappable(t),
list: lambda t: unmappable(t),
[docs]def map_field_to_arrpw(field: Field, hints: Dict[str, pa.DataType], core_mappings: Dict[str, Callable]) -> pa.DataType:
"""Map a dataclass field to a pyarrow equivalent, respect hints"""
hinted = hints.get(field.name)
if hinted:
return hinted
# Resolve optional
origin = typing.get_origin(field.type)
if origin == typing.Union:
# Optional type
args = typing.get_args(field.type)
assert len(args) == 2
assert args[1] == type(None)
field_type = args[0]
true_origin = typing.get_origin(args[0])
field_type = field.type
true_origin = origin
if true_origin == list:
args = typing.get_args(field_type)
value_type = args[0]
mapped_value_type = core_mappings[value_type](field)
return pa.list_(mapped_value_type)
elif true_origin == dict:
# Only string string dicts supported
return pa.map_(pa.string(), pa.string())
if issubclass(field_type, Enum):
# No support for category compaction yet
field_type = str
return core_mappings[field_type](field)
[docs]def create_pyarrow_schema_for_dataclass(
hints: Optional[typing.Dict[str, pa.DataType]] = None,
core_mappings=DEFAULT_MAPPINGS) -> pa.Schema:
"""Map a Python dataclass to Pyarrow schema.
Most fields map automatically, but you can also provide per field name hints what types they should use.
if not hints:
hints = {}
pa_fields = [(field.name, map_field_to_arrpw(field, hints, core_mappings)) for field in fields(cls)]
return pa.schema(pa_fields)
[docs]def create_columnar_work_buffer(cls) -> Dict[str, list]:
"""Create a columnar work buffer to export data into Pyarrow Tables."""
return {field.name: [] for field in fields(cls)}
[docs]def append_to_columnar_work_buffer(buffer: Dict[str, list], item):
"""Convert tabular data items to columnar.
Automatically handle the special case of enum.
def process_value(key: str):
v = getattr(item, key)
if isinstance(v, Enum):
v = v.value
v = v
except (AttributeError, ValueError) as e:
raise RuntimeError(f"Could not serialised {key} for {item}") from e
for key in buffer: