Source code for tradingstrategy.binance.utils

"""Utility functions to help automatically generate Binance data."""
import pandas as pd
from eth_typing import HexAddress

from tradingstrategy.pair import DEXPair
from tradingstrategy.binance.constants import (
from tradingstrategy.utils.format import string_to_eth_address
from import Exchange, ExchangeUniverse
from tradingstrategy.chain import ChainId
from tradingstrategy.utils.format import string_to_eth_address
from tradingstrategy.lending import (
from tradingstrategy.pair import DEXPair

[docs]def generate_pairs_for_binance( symbols: list[str], fee: float = BINANCE_FEE, ) -> list[DEXPair]: """Generate trading pair identifiers for Binance data. :param symbols: List of symbols to generate pairs for :param fee: fee override for the trading pairs in float form, to make trading cost the same as DEX :return: List of trading pair identifiers """ return [generate_pair_for_binance(symbol, fee) for symbol in symbols]
[docs]def generate_pair_for_binance( symbol: str, fee: float = BINANCE_FEE, base_token_decimals: int = 18, quote_token_decimals: int = 18, ) -> DEXPair: """Generate a trading pair identifier for Binance data. Binance data is not on-chain, so we need to generate the identifiers for the trading pairs. .. note:: Internal exchange id is hardcoded to 129875571 and internal id to 134093847 :param symbol: E.g. `ETHUSDT` :param fee: fee for the pair in float form :param base_token_decimals: decimals for the base token :param quote_token_decimals: decimals for the quote token :return: Trading pair identifier """ assert 0 < fee < 1, f"Bad fee {fee}. Must be 0..1" assert symbol.endswith(BINANCE_SUPPORTED_QUOTE_TOKENS), f"Bad symbol {symbol}" base_token_symbol, quote_token_symbol = split_binance_symbol(symbol) base_token_address = string_to_eth_address(base_token_symbol) quote_token_address = string_to_eth_address(quote_token_symbol) pair_slug = f"{base_token_symbol}{quote_token_symbol}" return DEXPair( pair_id=symbol, chain_id=BINANCE_CHAIN_ID, exchange_id=BINANCE_EXCHANGE_ID, address=string_to_eth_address(pair_slug), base_token_symbol=base_token_symbol, quote_token_symbol=quote_token_symbol, token0_address=base_token_address, token0_symbol=base_token_symbol, token0_decimals=base_token_decimals, token1_address=quote_token_address, token1_symbol=quote_token_symbol, token1_decimals=quote_token_decimals, exchange_slug=BINANCE_EXCHANGE_SLUG, exchange_address=BINANCE_EXCHANGE_ADDRESS, fee=fee * 10_000, )
[docs]def generate_exchange_for_binance(pair_count: int) -> Exchange: """Generate an exchange identifier for Binance data.""" return Exchange( chain_id=BINANCE_CHAIN_ID, chain_slug=ChainId(BINANCE_CHAIN_SLUG), exchange_id=BINANCE_EXCHANGE_ID, exchange_slug=BINANCE_EXCHANGE_SLUG, address=BINANCE_EXCHANGE_ADDRESS, exchange_type=BINANCE_EXCHANGE_TYPE, pair_count=pair_count, )
[docs]def generate_exchange_universe_for_binance(pair_count: int) -> ExchangeUniverse: """Generate an exchange universe for Binance data.""" return ExchangeUniverse.from_collection([generate_exchange_for_binance(pair_count)])
[docs]def add_info_columns_to_ohlc(df: pd.DataFrame, pairs: dict[str, DEXPair]): """Add single pair informational columns to an OHLC dataframe. :param *args: Each argument is a dict with the format {symbol: pair} E.g. {'ETHUSDT': TradingPairIdentifier(...)} :return: The same dataframe with added columns """ for symbol, pair in pairs.items(): if symbol not in df["pair_id"].unique(): raise ValueError(f"Symbol {symbol} not found in DataFrame. Pair ids are {list(df['pair_id'].unique())}") # Update the DataFrame only for the rows where 'symbol' matches mask = df["pair_id"] == symbol df.loc[mask, "base_token_symbol"] = pair.base_token_symbol df.loc[mask, "quote_token_symbol"] = pair.quote_token_symbol df.loc[mask, "exchange_slug"] = pair.exchange_slug df.loc[mask, "chain_id"] = pair.chain_id df.loc[mask, "fee"] = pair.fee / 10_000 df.loc[mask, "buy_volume_all_time"] = 0 df.loc[mask, "address"] = pair.address df.loc[mask, "exchange_id"] = BINANCE_EXCHANGE_ID df.loc[mask, "token0_address"] = pair.base_token_address df.loc[mask, "token1_address"] = pair.quote_token_address df.loc[mask, "token0_symbol"] = pair.base_token_symbol df.loc[mask, "token1_symbol"] = pair.quote_token_symbol df.loc[mask, "token0_decimals"] = pair.base_token_decimals df.loc[mask, "token1_decimals"] = pair.quote_token_decimals return df
[docs]def generate_lending_reserve_for_binance( asset_symbol: str, address: HexAddress, reserve_id: int, asset_decimals=18, ) -> LendingReserve: """Generate a lending reserve for Binance data. Binance data is not on-chain, so we need to generate the identifiers for the trading pairs. :param asset_symbol: E.g. `ETH` :param address: address of the reserve :param reserve_id: id of the reserve :return: LendingReserve """ assert isinstance(reserve_id, int), f"Bad reserve_id {reserve_id}" atoken_symbol = f"a{asset_symbol.upper()}" vtoken_symbol = f"v{asset_symbol.upper()}" return LendingReserve( reserve_id=reserve_id, reserve_slug=asset_symbol.lower(), protocol_slug=LendingProtocolType.aave_v3, chain_id=BINANCE_CHAIN_ID, chain_slug=BINANCE_CHAIN_SLUG, asset_id=1, asset_symbol=asset_symbol, asset_address=address, asset_decimals=asset_decimals, atoken_id=1, asset_name=asset_symbol, atoken_symbol=atoken_symbol, atoken_address=string_to_eth_address(atoken_symbol), atoken_decimals=18, vtoken_id=1, vtoken_symbol=vtoken_symbol, vtoken_address=string_to_eth_address(vtoken_symbol), vtoken_decimals=18, additional_details=LendingReserveAdditionalDetails( ltv=0.825, liquidation_threshold=0.85, ), )