Source code for tradeexecutor.state.size_risk

"""Trade size risk estimation.

- See :py:class:`SizeRisk`

import datetime
import enum
from dataclasses import dataclass
from decimal import Decimal
from types import NoneType

from dataclasses_json import dataclass_json

from tradeexecutor.state.identifier import TradingPairIdentifier
from tradeexecutor.state.types import BlockNumber, TokenAmount, USDollarAmount, USDollarPrice

[docs]class SizingType(enum.Enum): """What kind of size risk the result is for. - See :py:class:`SizeRisk` """ #: Individual trade, buy buy = "buy" #: Individual trade, sell sell = "sell" #: Position size hold = "hold"
[docs]@dataclass_json @dataclass(slots=True) class SizeRisk: """Result of a price impact estimation during decide_trades(). - Used by py:class:`~tradeexecutor.strategy.trade_sizer.TradeSizer` to return the estimations of the safe trade sizes (not too much price impact, not too much liquidity risk) - Capture and save data about the price impact, so we can diagnose this later. Not just the result, but the variables that lead to the result. - Allows us to use this to cap the max position size when we enter to a position. .. note :: A position size is different from a trade size, as we may grow a larger position using a multiple trades to enter See also - :py:mod:`tradeexecutor.strategy.trade_pricing` for price impact / slippage analysis - :py:func:`tradeexecutor.strategy.alpha_model.AlphaModel.normalise_weights` to have portfolio specific weight % cap for each position """ #: For which timepoint this price impact estimation was made #: #: Can be set to None if not relevant. #: timestamp: datetime.datetime | None pair: TradingPairIdentifier #: Buy or sell sizing_type: SizingType #: Path of the trade #: One trade can have multiple swaps if there is an intermediary pair. path: list[TradingPairIdentifier] #: Was this trade hitting the maximum cap. #: #: This means the trade size was reduced due to risk. #: capped: bool #: Block number we used for onchain estimation block_number: BlockNumber | None = None #: Venue mid price per token mid_price: USDollarPrice | None = None #: Avg price per token when accepted size is filled avg_price: USDollarPrice | None = None #: How much we want to get asked_quantity: TokenAmount | None = None #: How much we want to get asked_size: USDollarAmount | None = None #: What was the capped size by the accepted_quantity: TokenAmount | None = None #: What was the capped size accepted_size: USDollarAmount | None = None #: Store various diagnostics data items ehre #: #: Each implementation can store e.g. percents #: diagnostics_data: dict | None = None def __post_init__(self): assert isinstance(self.timestamp, (datetime.datetime, NoneType)), f"Timestamp was {self.timestamp}" if self.asked_quantity is not None: assert isinstance(self.asked_quantity, Decimal) if self.accepted_quantity is not None: assert isinstance(self.accepted_quantity, Decimal) if self.diagnostics_data is not None: assert isinstance(self.diagnostics_data, dict) # We can never allocate more than we ask if self.asked_size: assert self.accepted_size <= self.asked_size # Numpy madness if self.capped is not None: assert type(self.capped) == bool, f"Expected bool, got {self.capped.__class__}"