Source code for tradeexecutor.cli.guard

"""Vault security related common functions for CLI commands"""
from web3 import Web3

from eth_defi.enzyme.deployment import EnzymeDeployment, ETHEREUM_DEPLOYMENT, POLYGON_DEPLOYMENT
from eth_defi.hotwallet import HotWallet
from eth_defi.token import fetch_erc20_details, TokenDetails
from tradingstrategy.chain import ChainId


[docs]def generate_whitelist(web3, whitelisted_assets: str) -> list[TokenDetails]: """Look up token details we are about to whitelist. :param whitelisted_assets: Space separated list. Assets to whitelist, first must be the vault denomination token. :return: Tuple (Token list, address of USDC token) """ # Build the list of whitelisted assets GuardV0 allows us to trade whitelisted_asset_details = [] for token_address in whitelisted_assets.split(): token_address = token_address.strip() if token_address: whitelisted_asset_details.append(fetch_erc20_details(web3, token_address)) assert len(whitelisted_asset_details) >= 1, "You need to whitelist at least one token as a trading pair" assert whitelisted_asset_details[0].symbol in SUPPORTED_DENOMINATION_TOKENS, f"Got {whitelisted_assets[0]}" return whitelisted_asset_details
[docs]def get_enzyme_deployment( web3: Web3, chain_id: ChainId, deployer: HotWallet, comptroller_lib: str | None = None, allowed_adapters_policy: str | None = None, ) -> EnzymeDeployment: """ :param chain_id: :param comptroller_lib: For unit test deployment :return: """ # No other supported Enzyme deployments match chain_id: case ChainId.ethereum: deployment_info = ETHEREUM_DEPLOYMENT enzyme_deployment = EnzymeDeployment.fetch_deployment(web3, ETHEREUM_DEPLOYMENT, deployer=deployer.address) #denomination_token = fetch_erc20_details(web3, deployment_info["usdc"]) one_delta = False case ChainId.polygon: deployment_info = POLYGON_DEPLOYMENT enzyme_deployment = EnzymeDeployment.fetch_deployment(web3, POLYGON_DEPLOYMENT, deployer=deployer.address) # denomination_token = fetch_erc20_details(web3, deployment_info["usdc"]) one_delta = True case _: # Local unit test deployment. # Because addresses are random, they need to be explicitly passed # to any command line command assert comptroller_lib, f"You need to give Enzyme's ComptrollerLib address for a chain {chain_id}" enzyme_deployment = EnzymeDeployment.fetch_deployment( web3, { "comptroller_lib": comptroller_lib, "allowed_adapters_policy": allowed_adapters_policy, }, deployer=deployer.address ) return enzyme_deployment