"""Commoon Typer options shared across command line commands.
Import from there and use in
import copy
from typing import Optional
from typer import Option
from typer.models import OptionInfo
def _gen_rpc_help(network_name: str):
"""Generate help text for RPC endpoint.
return f"This configures JSON-RPC endpoints for {network_name}. For the configuration format see https://web3-ethereum-defi.readthedocs.io/tutorials/multi-rpc-configuration.html"
[docs]def required_option(option: OptionInfo) -> OptionInfo:
"""Generate a copy of Typer option, but set it required."""
new_option = copy.copy(option)
new_option.default = None
return new_option
id = Option(None, envvar="EXECUTOR_ID", help="Executor id used when programmatically referring to this instance.\n"
"If not given, take the base of --strategy-file.")
name = Option(None, envvar="NAME", help="Executor name used in the web interface and notifications")
log_level = Option(None, envvar="LOG_LEVEL", help="The Python default logging level. The defaults are 'info' is live execution, 'warning' if backtesting. Set 'disabled' in testing.")
strategy_file = Option(..., envvar="STRATEGY_FILE", help="Python trading strategy module to use for running the strategy")
optional_strategy_file = Option(None, envvar="STRATEGY_FILE", help="Python trading strategy module to use for running the strategy")
private_key = Option(None, envvar="PRIVATE_KEY", help="Ethereum private key to be used as a hot wallet for paying transaction broadcasts and gas")
vault_address = Option(None, envvar="VAULT_ADDRESS", help="Deployed strategy vault address")
vault_adapter_address = Option(None, envvar="VAULT_ADAPTER_ADDRESS", help="Deployed GenericAdapter contract address for the vault")
vault_payment_forwarder = Option(None, envvar="VAULT_PAYMENT_FORWARDER_ADDRESS", help="USDC EIP-3009 payment forwarder contract for the Enzyme vault")
vault_deployment_block_number = Option(None, envvar="VAULT_DEPLOYMENT_BLOCK_NUMBER", help="When the vault was deployed: a block number before the deployment.")
asset_management_mode = Option(None, envvar="ASSET_MANAGEMENT_MODE", help="How does the asset management happen\n"
"Hot wallet or vault based")
# Web3 connection options
json_rpc_binance = Option(None, envvar="JSON_RPC_BINANCE", help=_gen_rpc_help("BNB Smart Chain"))
json_rpc_polygon = Option(None, envvar="JSON_RPC_POLYGON", help=_gen_rpc_help("Polygon"))
json_rpc_ethereum = Option(None, envvar="JSON_RPC_ETHEREUM", help=_gen_rpc_help("Ethereum"))
json_rpc_avalanche = Option(None, envvar="JSON_RPC_AVALANCHE", help=_gen_rpc_help("Avalanche C-chain"))
json_rpc_arbitrum = Option(None, envvar="JSON_RPC_ARBITRUM", help=_gen_rpc_help("Arbitrum One"))
json_rpc_anvil = Option(None, envvar="JSON_RPC_ANVIL", help="Anvil JSON-RPC url. Anvil from Foundry is only used in local development and is not a readl blockchain.")
state_file = Option(None, envvar="STATE_FILE", help="JSON file where we serialise the execution state. If not given defaults to state/{executor-id}.json for live trade execution, state/{executor-id}-backtest.json for the backtest results.")
backtest_result = Option(None, envvar="BACKTEST_RESULT", help="State JSON file that contains the results of an earlier backtest run. Needed for the web server to display backtest information. If not given defaults to state/{executor-id}-backtest.json is assumed when the webhook server is started.")
notebook_report = Option(None, envvar="NOTEBOOK_REPORT", help="Jupyter Notebook file where the store the notebook results. If not given defaults to state/{executor-id}-backtest.ipynb.")
html_report = Option(None, envvar="HTML_REPORT", help="HTML file where the store the notebook results. If not given defaults to state/{executor-id}-backtest.html.")
trading_strategy_api_key = Option(None, envvar="TRADING_STRATEGY_API_KEY", help="Trading Strategy API key")
cache_path = Option(None, envvar="CACHE_PATH", help="Where to cache downloaded datasets on a local filesystem. If not given, default to cache/{executor-id}")
max_slippage = Option(0.0025, envvar="MAX_SLIPPAGE", help="TODO: This is a legacy parameter and likely not be used by a trading strategy. Max slippage allowed per trade before failing. The default 0.0025 is 0.25% or 25 BPS.")
min_gas_balance = Option(0.1, envvar="MIN_GAS_BALANCE", help="What is the minimum balance of gas token you need to have in your wallet. If the balance falls below this, abort by crashing and do not attempt to create transactions. Expressed in the native token e.g. ETH. The default option 0.1 means that if your hot wallet account is less than 0.1 ETH the trade executor aborts via crash.")
test_evm_uniswap_v2_router: Optional[str] = Option(None, envvar="TEST_EVM_UNISWAP_V2_ROUTER",
help="Uniswap v2 instance paramater when doing live trading test against a local dev chain")
test_evm_uniswap_v2_factory: Optional[str] = Option(None, envvar="TEST_EVM_UNISWAP_V2_FACTORY",
help="Uniswap v2 instance paramater when doing live trading test against a local dev chain")
test_evm_uniswap_v2_init_code_hash: Optional[str] = Option(None, envvar="TEST_EVM_UNISWAP_V2_INIT_CODE_HASH",
help="Uniswap v2 instance paramater when doing live trading test against a local dev chain")
confirmation_block_count = Option(2, envvar="CONFIRMATION_BLOCK_COUNT", help="How many blocks we wait before we consider transaction receipt a final. Set to zero for automining testing backends (EthereumTester, Anvil).")
confirmation_timeout = Option(900, envvar="CONFIRMATION_TIMEOUT", help="How many seconds to wait for transaction batches to confirm")
unit_testing = Option(False, "--unit-testing", envvar="UNIT_TESTING", help="The trade executor is called under the unit testing mode. No caches are purged. Some special flags are set and checks are skipped.")
pair: Optional[str] = Option(None, "--pair", envvar="PAIR", help="Must be specified for a multipair universe.")
all_pairs: Optional[str] = Option(None, "--all-pairs", envvar="ALL_PAIRS", help="Whether to perform a test trade for each pair in the universe. If not given, then the pair option must be specified.")
comptroller_lib = Option(None, envvar="COMPTROLLER_LIB", help="Enzyme's ComptrollerLib address for custom deployments.")
simulate = Option(False, envvar="SIMULATE", help="Simulate transactions using Anvil mainnet fork. No new state file is written.")