Source code for tradeexecutor.backtest.backtest_execution

"""Execution model where trade happens directly on Uniswap v2 style exchange."""

import datetime
from decimal import Decimal
from typing import List, Tuple
import logging

from tradeexecutor.backtest.backtest_routing import BacktestRoutingModel, BacktestRoutingState
from tradeexecutor.backtest.simulated_wallet import SimulatedWallet, OutOfSimulatedBalance
from tradeexecutor.state.state import State
from import TradeExecution, TradeStatus
from tradeexecutor.state.types import Percent
from tradeexecutor.strategy.account_correction import calculate_total_assets
from tradeexecutor.strategy.execution_model import ExecutionModel, AutoClosingOrderUnsupported
from tradeexecutor.strategy.generic.generic_router import GenericRouting, GenericRoutingState
from tradeexecutor.strategy.interest import set_interest_checkpoint

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class BacktestExecutionFailed(Exception):
    """Something went wrong in the backtest simulation."""

[docs]def fix_sell_token_amount( current_balance: Decimal, order_quantity: Decimal, epsilon=Decimal(10 ** -9) ) -> Tuple[Decimal, bool]: """Fix rounding errors that may cause wallet dust overflow. TODO: This should be handled other part of the system. :return: (new amount, was fixed) tuple """ assert isinstance(current_balance, Decimal) assert isinstance(order_quantity, Decimal) assert order_quantity < 0 # Not trying to sell more than we have if abs(order_quantity) <= current_balance: return order_quantity, False # We are trying to sell more we have diff = abs(current_balance + order_quantity) if diff <= epsilon: # Fix to be within the epsilon diff logger.warning("Fixing token sell amount to be within the epsilon. Wallet balance: %s, sell order quantity: %s, diff: %s", current_balance, order_quantity, diff ) return -current_balance, True logger.warning("Trying to sell more than we have. Wallet balance: %s, sell order quantity: %s, diff: %s, epsilon: %s", current_balance, order_quantity, diff, epsilon ) return order_quantity, False
[docs]class BacktestExecution(ExecutionModel): """Simulate trades against historical data."""
[docs] def __init__(self, wallet: SimulatedWallet, max_slippage: Percent = 0.01, lp_fees: Percent = 0.0030, stop_loss_data_available=False, ): self.wallet = wallet self.max_slippage = max_slippage self.lp_fees = lp_fees self.stop_loss_data_available = stop_loss_data_available
[docs] def get_safe_latest_block(self): return None
[docs] def get_balance_address(self): return None
def is_live_trading(self): return False
[docs] def is_stop_loss_supported(self): return self.stop_loss_data_available
[docs] def preflight_check(self): pass
[docs] def initialize(self): """Set up the wallet""""Initialising backtest execution model")
[docs] def simulate_spot(self, state: State, trade: TradeExecution) -> Tuple[Decimal, Decimal, bool]: """Spot market translation simulation with a simulated wallet. Check that the trade "executes" against the simulated wallet :param state: Backtester state :param trade: Trade to be executed :return: (ecuted_quantity, executed_reserve, sell_amount_epsilon_fix) tuple :raise OutOfSimulatedBalance: Wallet does not have enough tokens to do the trade """ # More credit supply to its own function assert trade.is_spot() or trade.is_credit_supply(), f"simulate_spot(): received a trade that is not spot {trade}" # assert trade.pair.is_spot() # base = trade.pair.base # quote = trade.pair.quote reserve = trade.reserve_currency base_balance = self.wallet.get_balance(base.address) # quote_balance = self.wallet.get_balance(quote.address) # reserve_balance = self.wallet.get_balance(reserve.address) position = state.portfolio.get_existing_open_position_by_trading_pair(trade.pair) sell_amount_epsilon_fix = False if trade.is_buy(): executed_reserve = trade.planned_reserve executed_quantity = trade.planned_quantity else: assert position and position.is_open(), f"Tried to execute sell on position {position} that is not open: {trade}" executed_quantity, sell_amount_epsilon_fix = fix_sell_token_amount(base_balance, trade.planned_quantity) executed_reserve = abs(Decimal(trade.planned_quantity) * Decimal(trade.planned_price)) if trade.is_buy(): self.wallet.update_balance(base, executed_quantity, f"spot buy trade #{trade.trade_id}") self.wallet.update_balance(reserve, -executed_reserve, f"spot buy trade #{trade.trade_id}") else: self.wallet.update_balance(base, executed_quantity, f"spot sell #{trade.trade_id}") self.wallet.update_balance(reserve, executed_reserve, f"spot sell #{trade.trade_id}") assert abs( executed_quantity) > 0, f"Expected executed_quantity for the trade to be above zero, got executed_quantity:{executed_quantity}, planned_quantity:{trade.planned_quantity}, trade is {trade}" return executed_quantity, executed_reserve, sell_amount_epsilon_fix
[docs] def simulate_leverage(self, state: State, trade: TradeExecution): """Leverage simulation with a simulated wallet. Check that the trade "executes" against the simulated wallet TODO: currently doesn't support leverage long yet :param state: Backtester state :param trade: Trade to be executed :return: (ecuted_quantity, executed_reserve, sell_amount_epsilon_fix) tuple :raise OutOfSimulatedBalance: Wallet does not have enough tokens to do the trade """ assert trade.is_short(), "Leverage long is not supported yet" # TODO: Correctly use fix_sell_token_amount() here to work around dust issues borrowed_token = trade.pair.base collateral_token = trade.pair.quote reserve_token = trade.reserve_currency # position = state.portfolio.get_existing_open_position_by_trading_pair(trade.pair) executed_reserve = trade.planned_reserve executed_quantity = trade.planned_quantity executed_collateral_consumption = trade.planned_collateral_consumption executed_collateral_allocation = trade.planned_collateral_allocation assert isinstance(executed_reserve, Decimal) assert isinstance(executed_quantity, Decimal) assert isinstance(executed_collateral_consumption, Decimal) assert isinstance(executed_collateral_allocation, Decimal)"simulate_leverage(): wallet balances before updating for %s:\n%s", trade.get_short_label(), self.wallet.get_all_balances()) # Here is a mismatch between spot and leverage: # base.underlying token, or executed_quantity, never appears in the wallet # as we do loan based trading self.wallet.update_balance(reserve_token, -executed_reserve, f"trade #{trade.trade_id} reserve updates") # The leveraged tokens appear in the wallet # aToken amount is original deposit + any leverage we do self.wallet.update_balance(collateral_token, executed_collateral_consumption, f"collateral consumption trade #{trade.trade_id}") self.wallet.update_balance(collateral_token, executed_reserve, f"reserves trade #{trade.trade_id}") # vToken amount us whatever quantity we execute. # When we short we gain more vToken (executed quantity), but executed quantity is negative for sell self.wallet.update_balance(borrowed_token, -executed_quantity, f"executed quantity trade #{trade.trade_id}") # <Close short #2 # 0.3003021039165400376391259260 WETH at 1664.99 USD, broadcasted phase # collateral consumption: -501.5045135406218656282035903 USDC, collateral allocation: -496.9954864593781343405713871 USDC # reserve: 0 # > # remaining_collateral = self.wallet.get_balance(collateral_address) # import ipdb ; ipdb.set_trace() collateral_token_change = executed_collateral_allocation if collateral_token_change is not None: # Convert reserve to aToken self.wallet.update_balance(reserve_token, -collateral_token_change, f"Depositing/redeeming aToken for #{trade.trade_id}") # aToken appears in the wallet self.wallet.update_balance(collateral_token, collateral_token_change, f"Depositing/redeeming aToken for #{trade.trade_id}") assert abs( executed_quantity) > 0, f"Expected executed_quantity for the trade to be above zero, got executed_quantity:{executed_quantity}, planned_quantity:{trade.planned_quantity}, trade is {trade}""simulate_leverage(): wallet balances after updating for %s:\n%s", trade.get_short_label(), self.wallet.get_all_balances()) # for leverage short, we use collateral token as the reserve currency # so return executed_collateral_quantity here to correctly calculate the price return executed_quantity, executed_reserve, executed_collateral_allocation, executed_collateral_consumption
[docs] def simulate_trade(self, ts: datetime.datetime, state: State, idx: int, trade: TradeExecution) -> Tuple[Decimal, Decimal, Decimal, Decimal]: """Set backtesting trade state from planned to executed. Currently, always executes trades "perfectly" i.e. no different slipppage that was planned, etc. :param ts: Strategy cycle timestamp :param state: Current backtesting state :param idx: Index of the trade to be executed on this cycle :param trade: The actual trade :return: Executed quantity and executed reserve amounts """ assert trade.get_status() == TradeStatus.started # In the backtesting simulation, # execution happens always perfectly # without any lag trade.started_at = trade.opened_at state.mark_broadcasted(ts, trade) executed_quantity = executed_reserve = sell_amount_epsilon_fix = Decimal(0) executed_collateral_allocation = executed_collateral_consumption = None try: if trade.is_spot() or trade.is_credit_supply(): executed_quantity, executed_reserve, sell_amount_epsilon_fix = self.simulate_spot(state, trade) elif trade.is_leverage(): executed_quantity, executed_reserve, executed_collateral_allocation, executed_collateral_consumption = self.simulate_leverage(state, trade) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Does not know how to simulate: {trade}") trade.executed_loan_update = trade.planned_loan_update except OutOfSimulatedBalance as e: # Better error messages to helping out why backtesting failed position = state.portfolio.get_existing_open_position_by_trading_pair(trade.pair) base = trade.pair.base quote = trade.pair.quote reserve = trade.reserve_currency base_balance = self.wallet.get_balance(base.address) quote_balance = self.wallet.get_balance(quote.address) reserve_balance = self.wallet.get_balance(reserve.address) if trade.is_buy(): # Give a hint to the user extra_help_message = f"---\n" \ f"Tip:" \ f"This is a buy trade that failed.\n" \ f"It means that the strategy had less cash to make purchases that it expected.\n" \ f"It may happen during multiple rebalance operations, as the strategy model might not account properly the trading fees when\n" \ f"it estimates the available cash in hand to make buys and sells for rebalancing operations.\n" \ f"Try increasing the strategy cash buffer to see if it solves the problem.\n" else: extra_help_message = "" raise BacktestExecutionFailed(f"\n" f" Trade {idx + 1}. failed on strategy cycle {ts}\n" f" Execution of trade failed:\n {trade}\n" f" Pair: {trade.pair}.\n" f" Trade type: {}.\n" f" Trade quantity: {trade.planned_quantity}, reserve: {trade.planned_reserve} {trade.reserve_currency}.\n" f" Wallet base balance: {base_balance} {base.token_symbol} ({base.address}).\n" f" Wallet quote balance: {quote_balance} {quote.token_symbol} ({quote.address}).\n" f" Wallet reserve balance: {reserve_balance} {reserve.token_symbol} ({reserve.address}).\n" f" Executed base amount: {executed_quantity} {base.token_symbol} ({base.address})\n" f" Executed reserve amount: {executed_reserve} {reserve.token_symbol} ({reserve.address})\n" f" Planned base amount: {trade.planned_quantity} {base.token_symbol} ({base.address})\n" f" Planned reserve amount: {trade.planned_reserve} {reserve.token_symbol} ({reserve.address})\n" f" Existing position quantity: {position and position.get_quantity() or '-'} {base.token_symbol}\n" f" Sell amount epsilon fix applied: {sell_amount_epsilon_fix}.\n" f" Out of balance: {e}\n" f" {extra_help_message}\n" ) from e return executed_quantity, executed_reserve, executed_collateral_allocation, executed_collateral_consumption
[docs] def execute_trades(self, ts: datetime.datetime, state: State, trades: List[TradeExecution], routing_model: BacktestRoutingModel, routing_state: BacktestRoutingState, check_balances=False): """Execute the trades on a simulated environment. Calculates price impact based on historical data and fills the expected historical trade output. :param check_balances: Raise an error if we run out of balance to perform buys in some point. """ assert isinstance(ts, datetime.datetime) assert isinstance(routing_model, (BacktestRoutingModel, GenericRouting)) assert isinstance(routing_state, (BacktestRoutingState, GenericRoutingState)) state.start_execution_all(ts, trades, max_slippage=0) routing_model.setup_trades( routing_state, trades, check_balances=check_balances) # Check that backtest does not try to execute stop loss / take profit # trades when data is not available for t in trades: position = state.portfolio.open_positions.get(t.position_id) if position and position.has_automatic_close(): # Check that we have stop loss data available # for backtesting if not self.is_stop_loss_supported(): raise AutoClosingOrderUnsupported( "Trade was marked with stop loss/take profit even though backtesting trading universe does not have price feed for stop loss checks available.\n" "Remember to use the stop_loss_time_bucket parameter or equivalent when you create your trading universe to avoid this error." ) for idx, trade in enumerate(trades): # 3. Simulate tx broadcast try: executed_quantity, executed_reserve, executed_collateral_allocation, executed_collateral_consumption = self.simulate_trade(ts, state, idx, trade) except Exception as e: logger.error("Simulating %d. trade %s failed: %s", idx+1, trade.get_short_label(), e) logger.exception(e) raise BacktestExecutionFailed(f"Trade #{idx+1} out of {len(trades)} trades failed") from e # TODO: Use colleteral values here # 4. execution is dummy operation where planned execution becomes actual execution # Assume we always get the same execution we planned if executed_quantity: if trade.is_short(): executed_price = trade.planned_price else: executed_price = float(abs(executed_reserve / executed_quantity)) else: executed_price = 0 state.mark_trade_success( ts, trade, executed_price, executed_quantity, executed_reserve, lp_fees=trade.lp_fees_estimated, native_token_price=1, executed_collateral_allocation=executed_collateral_allocation, executed_collateral_consumption=executed_collateral_consumption, ) # After all backtested trades have been executed and simulated wallet updated, # check that the simulated wallet and internal ledger still agree how rich we are all_assets = calculate_total_assets(state.portfolio) clean, asset_df = self.wallet.verify_balances(all_assets) if not clean: raise RuntimeError(f"Backtest simulated wallet and portfolio out of sync at {ts}:\n{asset_df}") # Set the check point interest balacnes for new positions set_interest_checkpoint(state, ts, None)"Finished backtest execution for %s", ts)
[docs] def get_routing_state_details(self) -> dict: return {"wallet": self.wallet}
[docs] def repair_unconfirmed_trades(self, state: State) -> List[TradeExecution]: raise NotImplementedError()