Source code for tradeexecutor.analysis.position

"""Display trading positions as Pandas notebook items."""
import datetime
from typing import Iterable

import pandas as pd

from tradeexecutor.ethereum.revert import clean_revert_reason_message
from tradeexecutor.state.blockhain_transaction import BlockchainTransaction
from tradeexecutor.state.position import TradingPosition
from tradeexecutor.state.reserve import ReservePosition
from import TradeExecution

def _ftime(v: datetime.datetime) -> str:
    """Format times"""
    if not v:
        return ""
    return v.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')

[docs]def display_positions(positions: Iterable[TradingPosition]) -> pd.DataFrame: """Format trading positions for Jupyter Notebook table output. Display in one table - All positions - Their underlying trades :return: DataFrame containing positions and trades, values as string formatted """ items = [] idx = [] for p in positions: idx.append(p.position_id) flags = [] if p.is_frozen(): flags.append("F") if p.is_repaired(): flags.append("R") if p.has_unexecuted_trades(): flags.append("UE") if p.is_stop_loss(): flags.append("SL") items.append({ "Flags": ", ".join(flags), "Ticker": p.pair.get_ticker(), # f"Size": p.get_quantity(), # "Profit": p.get_realised_profit_percent() * 100 if p.is_closed() else "", "Opened": _ftime(p.opened_at), "Closed": _ftime(p.closed_at), "Qty": f"{p.get_quantity():,.4f}", "Notes": (p.notes or "")[0:20], }) for t in p.trades.values(): idx.append(p.position_id) flags = [] flags.append("T") if t.is_buy(): flags.append("B") if t.is_sell(): flags.append("S") if t.is_stop_loss(): flags.append("SL") if t.is_repair_trade(): flags.append("R2") if t.is_repaired(): flags.append("R1") text = [] if t.notes: text.append(t.notes) revert_reason = clean_revert_reason_message(t.get_revert_reason()) if revert_reason: text.append(revert_reason) items.append({ "Flags": ", ".join(flags), "Ticker": "‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ┗", "Trade id": str(t.trade_id), # Mixed NA/number column fix "Price": f"{t.executed_price:.6f}" if t.executed_price else "-", "Qty": f"{t.get_position_quantity():,.4f}", "Opened": _ftime(t.opened_at), "Executed": _ftime(t.executed_at), "Notes": "\n".join(text)[0:20], }) df = pd.DataFrame(items, index=idx) df = df.fillna("") df = df.replace({pd.NaT: ""}) return df
[docs]def display_reserve_position_events(position: ReservePosition) -> pd.DataFrame: """Display events that cause the balance of the reserve position. """ items = [] idx = [] for event in position.get_balance_update_events(): idx.append(event.balance_update_id) items.append({ "Cause":, "At": event.block_mined_at, "Quantity": event.quantity, "Dollar value": event.usd_value, "Address": event.owner_address, "Notes": event.notes, }) df = pd.DataFrame(items, index=idx) df = df.fillna("") df = df.replace({pd.NaT: ""}) return df
[docs]def display_transactions(trades: Iterable[TradeExecution]) -> pd.DataFrame: """Format blockchain transactions for console table output. Display in one table - Transaction data with associated trade information :return: DataFrame containing positions and trades, values as string formatted """ items = [] idx = [] for t in trades: ticker = t.pair.get_ticker() trade_id = t.trade_id for tx in t.blockchain_transactions: idx.append(trade_id) flags = [] if tx.is_reverted(): flags.append("R") if t.is_buy(): flags.append("B") if t.is_sell(): flags.append("S") items.append({ "F": "".join(flags), "Id": t.trade_id, "Trade": ticker, # "Broadcasted": _ftime(tx.broadcasted_at), "Block": f"{tx.block_number or 0:,}", "Hash": tx.tx_hash, "Gas": tx.realised_gas_units_consumed, "Price (GWei)": tx.realised_gas_price // (10**9) if tx.realised_gas_price else "-", "Revert reason": _format_long_string(tx.revert_reason), # "Notes": (tx.notes or "")[0:20], }) df = pd.DataFrame(items, index=idx) df = df.fillna("") df = df.replace({pd.NaT: ""}) df = df.sort_values(by=["Id", "Block"]).set_index("Id") return df
def _format_long_string(text, max_length=20): """ Splits a long string into multiple lines. Args: text (str): The string to split. max_length (int): Maximum number of characters per line. Default is 80. Returns: str: A multi-line string where no line exceeds max_length characters. """ if text is None: text = "" # Split the text into words words = text.split() lines = [] current_line = "" for word in words: # If adding the word would exceed max_length, start a new line if len(current_line) + len(word) + 1 > max_length: lines.append(current_line.strip()) current_line = word else: # Add the word to the current line if current_line: current_line += " " + word else: current_line = word # Append the last line if it's not empty if current_line: lines.append(current_line.strip()) # Join all lines with newline characters return "\n".join(lines)