Double 7#
This is an example of an automated trading strategy how to trade on a single trading pair using daily closes and moving averages.
You can read more about the strategy on the The Chartist explanation page.
The strategy trades a single chosen token pair, in our case ETH-USD (using USDC stablecoin).
The strategy trades on Sushiswap and on Ethereum mainnet.
The backtesting is done using Backtrader backtesting framework.
The strategy is converted to Backtrader from its original Pine Script implementation.
Based on the backtesting, the strategy is real-life profitable.
The chosen parameters (50 days moving average, 7 days high, 7 days close, daily candles) were arbitrarily chosen and might be unfit for the crypto markets directly as such. It is necessary to modify and test a suitable timeframe and MA configuration for your chosen trading pair.
In this backtesting run, we do not consider transaction fees, trading fees or slippage for the sake of simplicity.
The original Double 7 Pine Script implementation#
Below is the original Double 7 Pine Script implementation that this strategy is based on.
strategy("Double 7's Strat.v1", overlay=true, default_qty_type = strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value = 100)
value1=input(7, title="Quantity of day low")
value2=input(7, title="Quantity of day high")
plot(entry, title = '7 day low', color =, linewidth = 1, style = plot.style_linebr) // plot 7 day low
plot(exit, title = '7 day high', color = color.purple, linewidth = 1, style = plot.style_linebr) // plot 7 day high
plot(mma100, title = 'MMA100', color =, linewidth = 2, style = plot.style_line) // plot MMA100
//Stop Loss input setting
longLossPerc = input(title="Long Stop Loss (%)", type=input.float, minval=0.0, step=0.1, defval=1) * 0.01
// Determine stop loss price
longStopPrice = strategy.position_avg_price * (1 - longLossPerc)
// Plot stop loss values for confirmation
plot(series=(strategy.position_size > 0) ? longStopPrice : na,, style=plot.style_linebr, linewidth=2, title="Long Stop Loss")
// Test Period
testStartYear = input(2021, "Backtest Start Year")
testStartMonth = input(5, "Backtest Start Month")
testStartDay = input(17, "Backtest Start Day")
testPeriodStart = timestamp(testStartYear,testStartMonth,testStartDay,0,0)
testStopYear = input(2022, "Backtest Stop Year")
testStopMonth = input(12, "Backtest Stop Month")
testStopDay = input(30, "Backtest Stop Day")
testPeriodStop = timestamp(testStopYear,testStopMonth,testStopDay,0,0)
testPeriod() =>
time >= testPeriodStart and time <= testPeriodStop ? true : false
if testPeriod()
if (close>mma100) and (close<entry)
strategy.entry("RsiLE", strategy.long , comment="Open")
if (close>exit)
// Submit exit orders based on calculated stop loss price
if (strategy.position_size > 0)
strategy.exit(id="XL STOP", stop=longStopPrice)
Strategy and backtesting parameters#
Here we define all parameters that affect the backtesting outcome.
import datetime
import pandas as pd
from tradingstrategy.timebucket import TimeBucket
from tradingstrategy.chain import ChainId
# Which pair we analyse
# The backtest only consider Ethereum mainnet
BLOCKCHAIN = ChainId.ethereum
# The backtest only considers Sushiswap v2 exchange
EXCHANGE = "sushi"
# Use daily candles for backtesting
CANDLE_KIND = TimeBucket.d1
# The moving average must be above of this number for us to buy
# How many previous candles we sample for the low close value
# How many previous candles we sample for the high close value
# If the price drops 5% we trigger a stop loss
STOP_LOSS = 0.95
# When do we start the backtesting - limit the candle set from the data dump from the server
BACKTESTING_BEGINS = pd.Timestamp("2020-10-1")
# When do we end backtesting
BACKTESTING_ENDS = pd.Timestamp("2021-09-1")
Initialising the Trading Strategy client#
This step will install necessary Python packages and the needed API keys.
import tradingstrategy
except ImportError:
%pip install trading-strategy
import site
from tradingstrategy.client import Client
client = Client.create_jupyter_client()
Started Trading Strategy in Jupyter notebook environment, configuration is stored in /Users/moo/.tradingstrategy
Creating the strategy#
Here is the strategy defined for Backtrader.
import backtrader as bt
from backtrader import indicators
class Double7(bt.Strategy):
"""An example of double-7 strategy for DEX spot trading.
The original description:
def start(self):
# Set up indicators used in this strategy
# Moving average that tells us when we are in the bull market
self.moving_average = indicators.SMA(period=MOVING_AVERAGE_CANDLES)
# The highest close price for the N candles
# "exit" in pine script
self.highest = indicators.Highest(, period=HIGH_CANDLES, plot=False)
# The lowest close price for the N candles
# "entry" in pine script
self.lowest = indicators.Lowest(, period=LOW_CANDLES, plot=False)
# Count ticks and some basic testing metrics
self.ticks = self.enters = self.exits = 0
def next(self):
"""Execute a decision making tick for each candle."""
self.ticks += 1
# Get the last value of the current candle close and indicators
# More about and self.lines of Backtrader
# Note that the value can be "nan" if we have not ticked enough days and
# e.g. the moving average cannot be calculated.
# Zero means "today" or the indicator value at the current candle.
# Minus one means "yesterday" or the indicator value at the previous candle.
# (Indexing might be different from the pine script)
close =[0]
low = self.lowest[-1]
high = self.highest[-1]
avg = self.moving_average[0]
# Print debug logs so that analysing the strategy internal thinking is easier
print(f"Tick: {self.ticks}, close: {close}, avg: {avg}, low: {low}, high: {high}")
if not all([close, low, high, avg]):
# Do not try to make any decision if we have nan or zero data
# Enter when we are above moving average and the daily close was
if close >= avg and close <= low and not self.position:
print("Entered to a position")
# If the price closes above its 7 day high, exit from the markets
if close >= high and self.position:
print("Exited the position")
Setting up the strategy backtest#
This set ups the data sources and plumping for running the backtest (“boilerplate” in software development terms).
from backtrader import analyzers
from tradingstrategy.chain import ChainId
from tradingstrategy.frameworks.backtrader import prepare_candles_for_backtrader, add_dataframes_as_feeds
from tradingstrategy.pair import PandasPairUniverse
# Operate on daily candles
strategy_time_bucket = CANDLE_KIND
exchange_universe = client.fetch_exchange_universe()
columnar_pair_table = client.fetch_pair_universe()
all_pairs_dataframe = columnar_pair_table.to_pandas()
pair_universe = PandasPairUniverse(all_pairs_dataframe)
# Filter down to pairs that only trade on Sushiswap
sushi_swap = exchange_universe.get_by_chain_and_slug(ChainId.ethereum, EXCHANGE)
pair = pair_universe.get_one_pair_from_pandas_universe(
all_candles = client.fetch_all_candles(strategy_time_bucket).to_pandas()
pair_candles: pd.DataFrame = all_candles.loc[all_candles["pair_id"] == pair.pair_id]
pair_candles = prepare_candles_for_backtrader(pair_candles)
# We limit candles to a specific date range to make this notebook deterministic
pair_candles = pair_candles[(pair_candles.index >= BACKTESTING_BEGINS) & (pair_candles.index <= BACKTESTING_ENDS)]
print(f"Dataset size is {len(pair_candles)} candles")
# This strategy requires data for 100 days. Because we are operating on new exchanges,
# there simply might not be enough data there
assert len(pair_candles) > MOVING_AVERAGE_CANDLES, "We do not have enough data to execute the strategy"
# Create the Backtrader back testing engine "Cebebro"
cerebro = bt.Cerebro(stdstats=True)
# Add out strategy
# Add two analyzers for the strategy performance
# cerebro.addobserver(bt.observers.Value)
cerebro.addanalyzer(bt.analyzers.SharpeRatio, riskfreerate=0.0)
# Add our ETH-USDC price feed
Dataset size is 336 candles
Running the backtest#
Now when everything has been set up we execute the backtest. Because the dataset is small (~300 candles) this takes a fraction of a second.
results =
Tick: 1, close: 352.85247802734375, avg: nan, low: 3093.651123046875, high: 3815.57666015625
Tick: 2, close: 346.1255187988281, avg: nan, low: nan, high: nan
Tick: 3, close: 348.4530334472656, avg: nan, low: nan, high: nan
Tick: 4, close: 350.6174011230469, avg: nan, low: nan, high: nan
Tick: 5, close: 351.46832275390625, avg: nan, low: nan, high: nan
Tick: 6, close: 338.0306396484375, avg: nan, low: nan, high: nan
Tick: 7, close: 339.6888427734375, avg: nan, low: nan, high: nan
Tick: 8, close: 351.3641357421875, avg: nan, low: 338.0306396484375, high: 352.85247802734375
Tick: 9, close: 365.0035705566406, avg: nan, low: 338.0306396484375, high: 351.46832275390625
Tick: 10, close: 370.5841979980469, avg: nan, low: 338.0306396484375, high: 365.0035705566406
Tick: 11, close: 372.5084533691406, avg: nan, low: 338.0306396484375, high: 370.5841979980469
Tick: 12, close: 389.1968994140625, avg: nan, low: 338.0306396484375, high: 372.5084533691406
Tick: 13, close: 380.4424133300781, avg: nan, low: 338.0306396484375, high: 389.1968994140625
Tick: 14, close: 379.4508972167969, avg: nan, low: 339.6888427734375, high: 389.1968994140625
Tick: 15, close: 379.3881530761719, avg: nan, low: 351.3641357421875, high: 389.1968994140625
Tick: 16, close: 365.28955078125, avg: nan, low: 365.0035705566406, high: 389.1968994140625
Tick: 17, close: 367.0792236328125, avg: nan, low: 365.28955078125, high: 389.1968994140625
Tick: 18, close: 377.9938659667969, avg: nan, low: 365.28955078125, high: 389.1968994140625
Tick: 19, close: 379.7020568847656, avg: nan, low: 365.28955078125, high: 389.1968994140625
Tick: 20, close: 369.9563903808594, avg: nan, low: 365.28955078125, high: 380.4424133300781
Tick: 21, close: 394.1260070800781, avg: nan, low: 365.28955078125, high: 379.7020568847656
Tick: 22, close: 415.82427978515625, avg: nan, low: 365.28955078125, high: 394.1260070800781
Tick: 23, close: 410.3772888183594, avg: nan, low: 365.28955078125, high: 415.82427978515625
Tick: 24, close: 412.2218933105469, avg: nan, low: 367.0792236328125, high: 415.82427978515625
Tick: 25, close: 405.1052551269531, avg: nan, low: 369.9563903808594, high: 415.82427978515625
Tick: 26, close: 393.24267578125, avg: nan, low: 369.9563903808594, high: 415.82427978515625
Tick: 27, close: 403.2445068359375, avg: nan, low: 369.9563903808594, high: 415.82427978515625
Tick: 28, close: 389.14141845703125, avg: nan, low: 393.24267578125, high: 415.82427978515625
Tick: 29, close: 385.8215026855469, avg: nan, low: 389.14141845703125, high: 415.82427978515625
Tick: 30, close: 384.2471008300781, avg: nan, low: 385.8215026855469, high: 412.2218933105469
Tick: 31, close: 387.9945983886719, avg: nan, low: 384.2471008300781, high: 412.2218933105469
Tick: 32, close: 396.5770568847656, avg: nan, low: 384.2471008300781, high: 405.1052551269531
Tick: 33, close: 384.9324645996094, avg: nan, low: 384.2471008300781, high: 403.2445068359375
Tick: 34, close: 387.4696350097656, avg: nan, low: 384.2471008300781, high: 403.2445068359375
Tick: 35, close: 402.2596130371094, avg: nan, low: 384.2471008300781, high: 396.5770568847656
Tick: 36, close: 415.2890930175781, avg: nan, low: 384.2471008300781, high: 402.2596130371094
Tick: 37, close: 455.32965087890625, avg: nan, low: 384.2471008300781, high: 415.2890930175781
Tick: 38, close: 435.92938232421875, avg: nan, low: 384.9324645996094, high: 455.32965087890625
Tick: 39, close: 456.748291015625, avg: nan, low: 384.9324645996094, high: 455.32965087890625
Tick: 40, close: 445.5915832519531, avg: nan, low: 384.9324645996094, high: 456.748291015625
Tick: 41, close: 450.336181640625, avg: nan, low: 387.4696350097656, high: 456.748291015625
Tick: 42, close: 463.547119140625, avg: nan, low: 402.2596130371094, high: 456.748291015625
Tick: 43, close: 461.580322265625, avg: nan, low: 415.2890930175781, high: 463.547119140625
Tick: 44, close: 477.6199645996094, avg: nan, low: 435.92938232421875, high: 463.547119140625
Tick: 45, close: 463.12646484375, avg: nan, low: 435.92938232421875, high: 477.6199645996094
Tick: 46, close: 450.431640625, avg: nan, low: 445.5915832519531, high: 477.6199645996094
Tick: 47, close: 461.0333251953125, avg: nan, low: 445.5915832519531, high: 477.6199645996094
Tick: 48, close: 483.56475830078125, avg: nan, low: 450.336181640625, high: 477.6199645996094
Tick: 49, close: 480.4100036621094, avg: nan, low: 450.431640625, high: 483.56475830078125
Tick: 50, close: 471.991455078125, avg: 402.00621154785154, low: 450.431640625, high: 483.56475830078125
Tick: 51, close: 507.19659423828125, avg: 405.0930938720703, low: 450.431640625, high: 483.56475830078125
Tick: 52, close: 552.5305786132812, avg: 409.22119506835935, low: 450.431640625, high: 507.19659423828125
Tick: 53, close: 561.4409790039062, avg: 413.4809539794922, low: 450.431640625, high: 552.5305786132812
Tick: 54, close: 609.0250244140625, avg: 418.6491064453125, low: 461.0333251953125, high: 561.4409790039062
Tick: 55, close: 601.781005859375, avg: 423.65536010742187, low: 471.991455078125, high: 609.0250244140625
Tick: 56, close: 569.49560546875, avg: 428.28465942382815, low: 471.991455078125, high: 609.0250244140625
Tick: 57, close: 520.6714477539062, avg: 431.9043115234375, low: 471.991455078125, high: 609.0250244140625
Tick: 58, close: 518.4671630859375, avg: 435.2463720703125, low: 507.19659423828125, high: 609.0250244140625
Tick: 59, close: 539.7708129882812, avg: 438.7417169189453, low: 518.4671630859375, high: 609.0250244140625
Tick: 60, close: 575.6941528320312, avg: 442.843916015625, low: 518.4671630859375, high: 609.0250244140625
Tick: 61, close: 616.2930908203125, avg: 447.71960876464846, low: 518.4671630859375, high: 609.0250244140625
Tick: 62, close: 589.916259765625, avg: 451.7339959716797, low: 518.4671630859375, high: 616.2930908203125
Tick: 63, close: 597.0772705078125, avg: 456.0666931152344, low: 518.4671630859375, high: 616.2930908203125
Tick: 64, close: 616.1817626953125, avg: 460.8013104248047, low: 518.4671630859375, high: 616.2930908203125
Tick: 65, close: 571.200927734375, avg: 464.63756591796874, low: 518.4671630859375, high: 616.2930908203125
Tick: 66, close: 596.9078369140625, avg: 469.269931640625, low: 539.7708129882812, high: 616.2930908203125
Tick: 67, close: 603.2041015625, avg: 473.99242919921875, low: 571.200927734375, high: 616.2930908203125
Tick: 68, close: 589.9231567382812, avg: 478.23101501464845, low: 571.200927734375, high: 616.2930908203125
Tick: 69, close: 555.0480346679688, avg: 481.7379345703125, low: 571.200927734375, high: 616.1817626953125
Entered to a position
Tick: 70, close: 572.978515625, avg: 485.79837707519533, low: 555.0480346679688, high: 616.1817626953125
Tick: 71, close: 558.1599731445312, avg: 489.07905639648436, low: 555.0480346679688, high: 616.1817626953125
Tick: 72, close: 544.4681396484375, avg: 491.65193359375, low: 555.0480346679688, high: 603.2041015625
Tick: 73, close: 567.8553466796875, avg: 494.8014947509766, low: 544.4681396484375, high: 603.2041015625
Tick: 74, close: 590.3077392578125, avg: 498.3632116699219, low: 544.4681396484375, high: 603.2041015625
Tick: 75, close: 584.9246826171875, avg: 501.95960021972655, low: 544.4681396484375, high: 590.3077392578125
Tick: 76, close: 590.76904296875, avg: 505.9101275634766, low: 544.4681396484375, high: 590.3077392578125
Exited the position
Tick: 77, close: 639.3394775390625, avg: 510.63202697753906, low: 544.4681396484375, high: 590.76904296875
Tick: 78, close: 640.6546630859375, avg: 515.6622918701172, low: 544.4681396484375, high: 639.3394775390625
Tick: 79, close: 654.8704833984375, avg: 521.043271484375, low: 544.4681396484375, high: 640.6546630859375
Tick: 80, close: 661.98388671875, avg: 526.5980072021484, low: 567.8553466796875, high: 654.8704833984375
Tick: 81, close: 636.841064453125, avg: 531.5749365234375, low: 584.9246826171875, high: 661.98388671875
Tick: 82, close: 608.44970703125, avg: 535.8123895263672, low: 584.9246826171875, high: 661.98388671875
Tick: 83, close: 635.9616088867188, avg: 540.8329724121094, low: 590.76904296875, high: 661.98388671875
Tick: 84, close: 582.2228393554688, avg: 544.7280364990235, low: 608.44970703125, high: 661.98388671875
Entered to a position
Tick: 85, close: 613.4778442382812, avg: 548.9524011230469, low: 582.2228393554688, high: 661.98388671875
Tick: 86, close: 626.9740600585938, avg: 553.1861004638672, low: 582.2228393554688, high: 661.98388671875
Tick: 87, close: 637.4522705078125, avg: 556.8285528564453, low: 582.2228393554688, high: 661.98388671875
Tick: 88, close: 686.5142211914062, avg: 561.8402496337891, low: 582.2228393554688, high: 637.4522705078125
Exited the position
Tick: 89, close: 728.1359252929688, avg: 567.2680023193359, low: 582.2228393554688, high: 686.5142211914062
Tick: 90, close: 735.2276000976562, avg: 573.06072265625, low: 582.2228393554688, high: 728.1359252929688
Tick: 91, close: 753.3988647460938, avg: 579.1219763183594, low: 582.2228393554688, high: 735.2276000976562
Tick: 92, close: 734.8660888671875, avg: 584.5483557128906, low: 613.4778442382812, high: 753.3988647460938
Tick: 93, close: 729.6090087890625, avg: 589.9089294433594, low: 626.9740600585938, high: 753.3988647460938
Tick: 94, close: 772.933837890625, avg: 595.8152069091797, low: 637.4522705078125, high: 753.3988647460938
Tick: 95, close: 974.1026000976562, avg: 606.0347296142578, low: 686.5142211914062, high: 772.933837890625
Tick: 96, close: 1037.3663330078125, avg: 617.773423461914, low: 728.1359252929688, high: 974.1026000976562
Tick: 97, close: 1107.2362060546875, avg: 630.6974810791015, low: 729.6090087890625, high: 1037.3663330078125
Tick: 98, close: 1206.45458984375, avg: 645.155277709961, low: 729.6090087890625, high: 1107.2362060546875
Tick: 99, close: 1219.57568359375, avg: 659.9385913085938, low: 729.6090087890625, high: 1206.45458984375
Tick: 100, close: 1215.486328125, avg: 674.8084887695312, low: 729.6090087890625, high: 1219.57568359375
Tick: 101, close: 1281.0960693359375, avg: 690.2864782714844, low: 772.933837890625, high: 1219.57568359375
Tick: 102, close: 1255.24853515625, avg: 704.3408374023437, low: 974.1026000976562, high: 1281.0960693359375
Tick: 103, close: 1084.206298828125, avg: 714.7961437988281, low: 1037.3663330078125, high: 1281.0960693359375
Tick: 104, close: 1046.7899169921875, avg: 723.5514416503906, low: 1084.206298828125, high: 1281.0960693359375
Entered to a position
Tick: 105, close: 1130.773193359375, avg: 734.1312854003907, low: 1046.7899169921875, high: 1281.0960693359375
Tick: 106, close: 1224.1434326171875, avg: 747.2242419433594, low: 1046.7899169921875, high: 1281.0960693359375
Tick: 107, close: 1166.9871826171875, avg: 760.150556640625, low: 1046.7899169921875, high: 1281.0960693359375
Tick: 108, close: 1235.5675048828125, avg: 774.4925634765625, low: 1046.7899169921875, high: 1281.0960693359375
Tick: 109, close: 1232.2689208984375, avg: 788.3425256347656, low: 1046.7899169921875, high: 1255.24853515625
Tick: 110, close: 1260.0452880859375, avg: 802.0295483398437, low: 1046.7899169921875, high: 1235.5675048828125
Exited the position
Tick: 111, close: 1371.1070556640625, avg: 817.1258276367188, low: 1046.7899169921875, high: 1260.0452880859375
Tick: 112, close: 1377.8546142578125, avg: 832.8845947265625, low: 1130.773193359375, high: 1371.1070556640625
Tick: 113, close: 1113.4771728515625, avg: 843.2125927734374, low: 1166.9871826171875, high: 1377.8546142578125
Entered to a position
Tick: 114, close: 1238.14208984375, avg: 855.6517993164063, low: 1113.4771728515625, high: 1377.8546142578125
Tick: 115, close: 1226.7152099609375, avg: 868.7620849609375, low: 1113.4771728515625, high: 1377.8546142578125
Tick: 116, close: 1390.7669677734375, avg: 884.639267578125, low: 1113.4771728515625, high: 1377.8546142578125
Exited the position
Tick: 117, close: 1326.821044921875, avg: 899.1116064453125, low: 1113.4771728515625, high: 1390.7669677734375
Tick: 118, close: 1367.205322265625, avg: 914.6572497558594, low: 1113.4771728515625, high: 1390.7669677734375
Tick: 119, close: 1243.06103515625, avg: 928.417509765625, low: 1113.4771728515625, high: 1390.7669677734375
Tick: 120, close: 1338.0787353515625, avg: 943.7195141601562, low: 1113.4771728515625, high: 1390.7669677734375
Tick: 121, close: 1381.7852783203125, avg: 960.1920202636719, low: 1226.7152099609375, high: 1390.7669677734375
Tick: 122, close: 1373.296142578125, avg: 976.7685803222656, low: 1226.7152099609375, high: 1390.7669677734375
Tick: 123, close: 1312.8203125, avg: 991.6678796386718, low: 1243.06103515625, high: 1390.7669677734375
Tick: 124, close: 1372.9720458984375, avg: 1007.3211657714844, low: 1243.06103515625, high: 1381.7852783203125
Tick: 125, close: 1512.37646484375, avg: 1025.8702014160156, low: 1243.06103515625, high: 1381.7852783203125
Tick: 126, close: 1668.763916015625, avg: 1047.430098876953, low: 1243.06103515625, high: 1512.37646484375
Tick: 127, close: 1602.8670654296875, avg: 1066.7006506347657, low: 1312.8203125, high: 1668.763916015625
Tick: 128, close: 1713.110595703125, avg: 1088.1497692871094, low: 1312.8203125, high: 1668.763916015625
Tick: 129, close: 1676.3516845703125, avg: 1108.579393310547, low: 1312.8203125, high: 1713.110595703125
Tick: 130, close: 1616.95849609375, avg: 1127.6788854980468, low: 1312.8203125, high: 1713.110595703125
Tick: 131, close: 1742.1217041015625, avg: 1149.7844982910156, low: 1372.9720458984375, high: 1713.110595703125
Tick: 132, close: 1766.4183349609375, avg: 1172.9438708496093, low: 1512.37646484375, high: 1742.1217041015625
Tick: 133, close: 1752.53564453125, avg: 1195.2753515625, low: 1602.8670654296875, high: 1766.4183349609375
Tick: 134, close: 1776.8115234375, avg: 1219.1671252441406, low: 1602.8670654296875, high: 1766.4183349609375
Tick: 135, close: 1834.77978515625, avg: 1243.5931640625, low: 1616.95849609375, high: 1776.8115234375
Tick: 136, close: 1823.299072265625, avg: 1267.5196643066406, low: 1616.95849609375, high: 1834.77978515625
Tick: 137, close: 1804.1416015625, avg: 1290.8534509277345, low: 1616.95849609375, high: 1834.77978515625
Tick: 138, close: 1782.865966796875, avg: 1312.7804858398438, low: 1742.1217041015625, high: 1834.77978515625
Tick: 139, close: 1772.890625, avg: 1333.6755798339843, low: 1752.53564453125, high: 1834.77978515625
Tick: 140, close: 1840.19482421875, avg: 1355.7749243164062, low: 1752.53564453125, high: 1834.77978515625
Tick: 141, close: 1938.2950439453125, avg: 1379.4728479003907, low: 1772.890625, high: 1840.19482421875
Tick: 142, close: 1954.83154296875, avg: 1403.872156982422, low: 1772.890625, high: 1938.2950439453125
Tick: 143, close: 1920.5281982421875, avg: 1427.6905407714844, low: 1772.890625, high: 1954.83154296875
Tick: 144, close: 1927.30078125, avg: 1450.777879638672, low: 1772.890625, high: 1954.83154296875
Tick: 145, close: 1789.696533203125, avg: 1467.0897583007813, low: 1772.890625, high: 1954.83154296875
Tick: 146, close: 1574.2379150390625, avg: 1477.8271899414062, low: 1772.890625, high: 1954.83154296875
Entered to a position
Tick: 147, close: 1617.1561279296875, avg: 1488.0255883789061, low: 1574.2379150390625, high: 1954.83154296875
Tick: 148, close: 1482.1158447265625, avg: 1493.5388134765626, low: 1574.2379150390625, high: 1954.83154296875
Tick: 149, close: 1436.8006591796875, avg: 1497.8833129882812, low: 1482.1158447265625, high: 1954.83154296875
Tick: 150, close: 1466.50439453125, avg: 1502.9036743164063, low: 1436.8006591796875, high: 1927.30078125
Tick: 151, close: 1423.7117919921875, avg: 1505.7559887695313, low: 1436.8006591796875, high: 1927.30078125
Tick: 152, close: 1572.267822265625, avg: 1512.0963745117188, low: 1423.7117919921875, high: 1789.696533203125
Tick: 153, close: 1485.5440673828125, avg: 1520.1231298828125, low: 1423.7117919921875, high: 1617.1561279296875
Tick: 154, close: 1572.6031494140625, avg: 1530.63939453125, low: 1423.7117919921875, high: 1617.1561279296875
Tick: 155, close: 1532.6888427734375, avg: 1538.6777075195312, low: 1423.7117919921875, high: 1572.6031494140625
Tick: 156, close: 1526.453369140625, avg: 1544.72390625, low: 1423.7117919921875, high: 1572.6031494140625
Tick: 157, close: 1649.623779296875, avg: 1554.3766381835937, low: 1423.7117919921875, high: 1572.6031494140625
Exited the position
Tick: 158, close: 1723.138916015625, avg: 1564.12806640625, low: 1423.7117919921875, high: 1649.623779296875
Tick: 159, close: 1837.42919921875, avg: 1576.2312719726563, low: 1485.5440673828125, high: 1723.138916015625
Tick: 160, close: 1858.95361328125, avg: 1588.2094384765626, low: 1485.5440673828125, high: 1837.42919921875
Tick: 161, close: 1807.6932373046875, avg: 1596.941162109375, low: 1526.453369140625, high: 1858.95361328125
Tick: 162, close: 1832.8177490234375, avg: 1606.0404248046875, low: 1526.453369140625, high: 1858.95361328125
Tick: 163, close: 1773.0623779296875, avg: 1619.23212890625, low: 1526.453369140625, high: 1858.95361328125
Tick: 164, close: 1933.2110595703125, avg: 1633.1335083007812, low: 1649.623779296875, high: 1858.95361328125
Tick: 165, close: 1850.4996337890625, avg: 1645.6091967773436, low: 1723.138916015625, high: 1933.2110595703125
Tick: 166, close: 1792.4600830078125, avg: 1653.6430590820312, low: 1773.0623779296875, high: 1933.2110595703125
Tick: 167, close: 1804.58984375, avg: 1663.1984350585938, low: 1773.0623779296875, high: 1933.2110595703125
Tick: 168, close: 1814.626708984375, avg: 1672.1468627929687, low: 1773.0623779296875, high: 1933.2110595703125
Tick: 169, close: 1777.3580322265625, avg: 1682.832802734375, low: 1773.0623779296875, high: 1933.2110595703125
Tick: 170, close: 1805.40283203125, avg: 1692.1792846679687, low: 1773.0623779296875, high: 1933.2110595703125
Tick: 171, close: 1804.7816162109375, avg: 1700.6392114257812, low: 1777.3580322265625, high: 1933.2110595703125
Tick: 172, close: 1774.6051025390625, avg: 1708.665390625, low: 1777.3580322265625, high: 1850.4996337890625
Entered to a position
Tick: 173, close: 1689.195068359375, avg: 1716.1928857421874, low: 1774.6051025390625, high: 1814.626708984375
Tick: 174, close: 1668.7911376953125, avg: 1722.109267578125, low: 1689.195068359375, high: 1814.626708984375
Tick: 175, close: 1580.60986328125, avg: 1723.473935546875, low: 1668.7911376953125, high: 1814.626708984375
Tick: 176, close: 1598.1024169921875, avg: 1722.0607055664063, low: 1580.60986328125, high: 1805.40283203125
Tick: 177, close: 1700.6331787109375, avg: 1724.0160278320313, low: 1580.60986328125, high: 1805.40283203125
Tick: 178, close: 1712.47998046875, avg: 1724.0034155273438, low: 1580.60986328125, high: 1804.7816162109375
Tick: 179, close: 1676.6297607421875, avg: 1724.0089770507811, low: 1580.60986328125, high: 1774.6051025390625
Tick: 180, close: 1811.2628173828125, avg: 1727.8950634765624, low: 1580.60986328125, high: 1712.47998046875
Exited the position
Tick: 181, close: 1833.931884765625, avg: 1729.7312670898436, low: 1580.60986328125, high: 1811.2628173828125
Tick: 182, close: 1912.6085205078125, avg: 1732.6550708007812, low: 1580.60986328125, high: 1833.931884765625
Tick: 183, close: 1979.26953125, avg: 1737.1897485351562, low: 1598.1024169921875, high: 1912.6085205078125
Tick: 184, close: 2125.971435546875, avg: 1744.1729467773437, low: 1676.6297607421875, high: 1979.26953125
Tick: 185, close: 2008.2606201171875, avg: 1747.6425634765626, low: 1676.6297607421875, high: 2125.971435546875
Tick: 186, close: 2079.07861328125, avg: 1752.758154296875, low: 1676.6297607421875, high: 2125.971435546875
Tick: 187, close: 2107.008056640625, avg: 1758.8154833984374, low: 1811.2628173828125, high: 2125.971435546875
Tick: 188, close: 2109.185546875, avg: 1765.341875, low: 1833.931884765625, high: 2125.971435546875
Tick: 189, close: 1963.5430908203125, avg: 1769.1549243164063, low: 1912.6085205078125, high: 2125.971435546875
Tick: 190, close: 2069.53759765625, avg: 1773.7417797851563, low: 1963.5430908203125, high: 2125.971435546875
Tick: 191, close: 2069.621826171875, avg: 1776.3683154296875, low: 1963.5430908203125, high: 2125.971435546875
Tick: 192, close: 2130.754638671875, avg: 1779.88677734375, low: 1963.5430908203125, high: 2109.185546875
Tick: 193, close: 2137.19140625, avg: 1784.2200415039063, low: 1963.5430908203125, high: 2130.754638671875
Tick: 194, close: 2151.284423828125, avg: 1788.6997143554688, low: 1963.5430908203125, high: 2137.19140625
Tick: 195, close: 2289.309814453125, avg: 1798.6919799804687, low: 1963.5430908203125, high: 2151.284423828125
Tick: 196, close: 2417.96484375, avg: 1815.5665185546875, low: 1963.5430908203125, high: 2289.309814453125
Tick: 197, close: 2508.14013671875, avg: 1833.3861987304688, low: 2069.53759765625, high: 2417.96484375
Tick: 198, close: 2435.531005859375, avg: 1852.454501953125, low: 2069.621826171875, high: 2508.14013671875
Tick: 199, close: 2330.4619140625, avg: 1870.3277270507813, low: 2130.754638671875, high: 2508.14013671875
Tick: 200, close: 2230.4833984375, avg: 1885.6073071289063, low: 2137.19140625, high: 2508.14013671875
Tick: 201, close: 2170.525390625, avg: 1900.5435791015625, low: 2151.284423828125, high: 2508.14013671875
Tick: 202, close: 2333.894775390625, avg: 1915.7761181640626, low: 2170.525390625, high: 2508.14013671875
Tick: 203, close: 2359.331298828125, avg: 1933.2518627929687, low: 2170.525390625, high: 2508.14013671875
Tick: 204, close: 2402.05322265625, avg: 1949.8408642578124, low: 2170.525390625, high: 2508.14013671875
Tick: 205, close: 2371.036376953125, avg: 1966.6078149414063, low: 2170.525390625, high: 2435.531005859375
Tick: 206, close: 2207.252197265625, avg: 1980.2237915039063, low: 2170.525390625, high: 2402.05322265625
Tick: 207, close: 2308.857177734375, avg: 1993.4084594726562, low: 2170.525390625, high: 2402.05322265625
Tick: 208, close: 2523.3271484375, avg: 2009.4122241210937, low: 2170.525390625, high: 2402.05322265625
Tick: 209, close: 2665.10693359375, avg: 2025.9657788085938, low: 2207.252197265625, high: 2523.3271484375
Tick: 210, close: 2753.482177734375, avg: 2043.8563500976563, low: 2207.252197265625, high: 2665.10693359375
Tick: 211, close: 2769.08740234375, avg: 2063.0842333984374, low: 2207.252197265625, high: 2753.482177734375
Tick: 212, close: 2760.71826171875, avg: 2081.642243652344, low: 2207.252197265625, high: 2769.08740234375
Tick: 213, close: 2938.5439453125, avg: 2104.951875, low: 2207.252197265625, high: 2769.08740234375
Tick: 214, close: 2938.8642578125, avg: 2125.064938964844, low: 2308.857177734375, high: 2938.5439453125
Tick: 215, close: 3418.266845703125, avg: 2156.420283203125, low: 2523.3271484375, high: 2938.8642578125
Tick: 216, close: 3256.860595703125, avg: 2185.7082934570312, low: 2665.10693359375, high: 3418.266845703125
Tick: 217, close: 3513.30615234375, avg: 2219.8826196289065, low: 2753.482177734375, high: 3418.266845703125
Tick: 218, close: 3508.792724609375, avg: 2253.765939941406, low: 2760.71826171875, high: 3513.30615234375
Tick: 219, close: 3489.1865234375, avg: 2288.002509765625, low: 2760.71826171875, high: 3513.30615234375
Tick: 220, close: 3912.947265625, avg: 2330.1533984375, low: 2938.5439453125, high: 3513.30615234375
Tick: 221, close: 3936.052734375, avg: 2372.7788208007814, low: 2938.8642578125, high: 3912.947265625
Tick: 222, close: 3964.718505859375, avg: 2416.5810888671876, low: 3256.860595703125, high: 3936.052734375
Tick: 223, close: 4183.5517578125, avg: 2466.46822265625, low: 3256.860595703125, high: 3964.718505859375
Tick: 224, close: 3825.593505859375, avg: 2509.604270019531, low: 3489.1865234375, high: 4183.5517578125
Tick: 225, close: 3732.2548828125, avg: 2552.637170410156, low: 3489.1865234375, high: 4183.5517578125
Tick: 226, close: 4093.0732421875, avg: 2602.5365869140624, low: 3489.1865234375, high: 4183.5517578125
Tick: 227, close: 3628.124267578125, avg: 2641.086408691406, low: 3732.2548828125, high: 4183.5517578125
Entered to a position
Tick: 228, close: 3566.88671875, avg: 2678.174543457031, low: 3628.124267578125, high: 4183.5517578125
Tick: 229, close: 3292.621337890625, avg: 2710.494375, low: 3566.88671875, high: 4183.5517578125
Tick: 230, close: 3377.51708984375, avg: 2741.8194604492187, low: 3292.621337890625, high: 4183.5517578125
Tick: 231, close: 2448.775634765625, avg: 2754.1163354492187, low: 3292.621337890625, high: 4093.0732421875
Tick: 232, close: 2771.63671875, avg: 2771.2968994140624, low: 2448.775634765625, high: 4093.0732421875
Tick: 233, close: 2422.828125, avg: 2780.1680712890625, low: 2448.775634765625, high: 4093.0732421875
Tick: 234, close: 2288.02783203125, avg: 2783.40919921875, low: 2422.828125, high: 3628.124267578125
Tick: 235, close: 2114.04638671875, avg: 2785.5249145507814, low: 2288.02783203125, high: 3566.88671875
Tick: 236, close: 2656.09521484375, avg: 2797.0652465820312, low: 2114.04638671875, high: 3377.51708984375
Tick: 237, close: 2691.21533203125, avg: 2808.7493920898437, low: 2114.04638671875, high: 3377.51708984375
Tick: 238, close: 2875.767578125, avg: 2824.081032714844, low: 2114.04638671875, high: 2771.63671875
Exited the position
Tick: 239, close: 2737.115478515625, avg: 2839.55248046875, low: 2114.04638671875, high: 2875.767578125
Tick: 240, close: 2408.90380859375, avg: 2846.3398046875, low: 2114.04638671875, high: 2875.767578125
Tick: 241, close: 2291.33642578125, avg: 2850.7740966796873, low: 2114.04638671875, high: 2875.767578125
Tick: 242, close: 2384.20263671875, avg: 2855.843056640625, low: 2114.04638671875, high: 2875.767578125
Tick: 243, close: 2716.62939453125, avg: 2867.43181640625, low: 2291.33642578125, high: 2875.767578125
Tick: 244, close: 2644.74609375, avg: 2877.3010498046874, low: 2291.33642578125, high: 2875.767578125
Tick: 245, close: 2702.494384765625, avg: 2885.5647412109374, low: 2291.33642578125, high: 2875.767578125
Tick: 246, close: 2865.697021484375, avg: 2894.519384765625, low: 2291.33642578125, high: 2737.115478515625
Tick: 247, close: 2682.978759765625, avg: 2898.0161572265624, low: 2291.33642578125, high: 2865.697021484375
Tick: 248, close: 2630.857666015625, avg: 2901.9226904296875, low: 2291.33642578125, high: 2865.697021484375
Tick: 249, close: 2697.5146484375, avg: 2909.2637451171877, low: 2384.20263671875, high: 2865.697021484375
Tick: 250, close: 2577.902099609375, avg: 2916.212119140625, low: 2630.857666015625, high: 2865.697021484375
Tick: 251, close: 2506.339599609375, avg: 2922.9284033203126, low: 2577.902099609375, high: 2865.697021484375
Tick: 252, close: 2612.6953125, avg: 2928.5044140625, low: 2506.339599609375, high: 2865.697021484375
Tick: 253, close: 2480.669677734375, avg: 2930.931181640625, low: 2506.339599609375, high: 2865.697021484375
Tick: 254, close: 2343.142578125, avg: 2929.75296875, low: 2480.669677734375, high: 2697.5146484375
Tick: 255, close: 2381.01220703125, avg: 2929.9524853515627, low: 2343.142578125, high: 2697.5146484375
Tick: 256, close: 2513.51806640625, avg: 2936.077802734375, low: 2343.142578125, high: 2697.5146484375
Tick: 257, close: 2568.2431640625, avg: 2941.2655224609375, low: 2343.142578125, high: 2612.6953125
Tick: 258, close: 2544.38037109375, avg: 2941.6865869140624, low: 2343.142578125, high: 2612.6953125
Tick: 259, close: 2368.5, avg: 2935.7544482421877, low: 2343.142578125, high: 2612.6953125
Tick: 260, close: 2364.13037109375, avg: 2927.967412109375, low: 2343.142578125, high: 2568.2431640625
Tick: 261, close: 2235.540283203125, avg: 2917.2964697265625, low: 2343.142578125, high: 2568.2431640625
Tick: 262, close: 2178.801513671875, avg: 2905.658134765625, low: 2235.540283203125, high: 2568.2431640625
Tick: 263, close: 2232.743896484375, avg: 2891.5421337890625, low: 2178.801513671875, high: 2568.2431640625
Tick: 264, close: 1880.492919921875, avg: 2870.37470703125, low: 2178.801513671875, high: 2568.2431640625
Tick: 265, close: 1884.575439453125, avg: 2839.70087890625, low: 1880.492919921875, high: 2544.38037109375
Tick: 266, close: 1974.7591552734375, avg: 2814.0588500976564, low: 1880.492919921875, high: 2368.5
Tick: 267, close: 1981.17138671875, avg: 2783.4161547851563, low: 1880.492919921875, high: 2364.13037109375
Tick: 268, close: 1811.6553955078125, avg: 2749.473408203125, low: 1880.492919921875, high: 2235.540283203125
Tick: 269, close: 1821.4423828125, avg: 2716.118525390625, low: 1811.6553955078125, high: 2232.743896484375
Tick: 270, close: 1983.7396240234375, avg: 2677.5343725585935, low: 1811.6553955078125, high: 2232.743896484375
Tick: 271, close: 2082.6083984375, avg: 2640.465485839844, low: 1811.6553955078125, high: 1983.7396240234375
Tick: 272, close: 2157.7861328125, avg: 2604.3268383789064, low: 1811.6553955078125, high: 2082.6083984375
Tick: 273, close: 2280.143310546875, avg: 2566.2586694335937, low: 1811.6553955078125, high: 2157.7861328125
Tick: 274, close: 2107.4609375, avg: 2531.896018066406, low: 1811.6553955078125, high: 2280.143310546875
Tick: 275, close: 2143.107666015625, avg: 2500.113073730469, low: 1811.6553955078125, high: 2280.143310546875
Tick: 276, close: 2218.784423828125, avg: 2462.6272973632813, low: 1821.4423828125, high: 2280.143310546875
Tick: 277, close: 2321.436279296875, avg: 2436.493537597656, low: 1983.7396240234375, high: 2280.143310546875
Tick: 278, close: 2191.279052734375, avg: 2408.9813842773438, low: 2082.6083984375, high: 2321.436279296875
Tick: 279, close: 2327.529296875, avg: 2389.6795434570313, low: 2107.4609375, high: 2321.436279296875
Tick: 280, close: 2310.70361328125, avg: 2368.3432739257814, low: 2107.4609375, high: 2327.529296875
Tick: 281, close: 2114.87353515625, avg: 2361.6652319335935, low: 2107.4609375, high: 2327.529296875
Tick: 282, close: 2146.5283203125, avg: 2349.163063964844, low: 2114.87353515625, high: 2327.529296875
Tick: 283, close: 2122.02197265625, avg: 2343.1469409179685, low: 2114.87353515625, high: 2327.529296875
Tick: 284, close: 2147.53857421875, avg: 2340.337155761719, low: 2114.87353515625, high: 2327.529296875
Tick: 285, close: 2041.07080078125, avg: 2338.8776440429688, low: 2114.87353515625, high: 2327.529296875
Tick: 286, close: 1943.625732421875, avg: 2324.6282543945313, low: 2041.07080078125, high: 2327.529296875
Tick: 287, close: 1997.949462890625, avg: 2310.762937011719, low: 1943.625732421875, high: 2310.70361328125
Tick: 288, close: 1918.9427490234375, avg: 2291.6264404296876, low: 1943.625732421875, high: 2147.53857421875
Tick: 289, close: 1870.63916015625, avg: 2274.2969140625, low: 1918.9427490234375, high: 2147.53857421875
Tick: 290, close: 1893.6572265625, avg: 2263.991982421875, low: 1870.63916015625, high: 2147.53857421875
Tick: 291, close: 1890.7325439453125, avg: 2255.979904785156, low: 1870.63916015625, high: 2147.53857421875
Tick: 292, close: 1817.1904296875, avg: 2244.6396606445314, low: 1870.63916015625, high: 2041.07080078125
Tick: 293, close: 1781.06201171875, avg: 2225.928312988281, low: 1817.1904296875, high: 1997.949462890625
Tick: 294, close: 2002.282958984375, avg: 2213.0790502929685, low: 1781.06201171875, high: 1997.949462890625
Tick: 295, close: 2015.3248291015625, avg: 2199.3356591796874, low: 1781.06201171875, high: 2002.282958984375
Tick: 296, close: 2115.479248046875, avg: 2184.3313037109374, low: 1781.06201171875, high: 2015.3248291015625
Tick: 297, close: 2175.922607421875, avg: 2174.1901806640626, low: 1781.06201171875, high: 2115.479248046875
Tick: 298, close: 2198.818359375, avg: 2165.54939453125, low: 1781.06201171875, high: 2175.922607421875
Tick: 299, close: 2236.636474609375, avg: 2156.3318310546874, low: 1781.06201171875, high: 2198.818359375
Tick: 300, close: 2287.68798828125, avg: 2150.527548828125, low: 1781.06201171875, high: 2236.636474609375
Tick: 301, close: 2291.809326171875, avg: 2146.236943359375, low: 2002.282958984375, high: 2287.68798828125
Tick: 302, close: 2371.872314453125, avg: 2141.4204833984377, low: 2015.3248291015625, high: 2291.809326171875
Tick: 303, close: 2457.61279296875, avg: 2140.959345703125, low: 2115.479248046875, high: 2371.872314453125
Tick: 304, close: 2547.812255859375, avg: 2145.0527392578124, low: 2175.922607421875, high: 2457.61279296875
Tick: 305, close: 2556.748046875, avg: 2148.5674560546877, low: 2198.818359375, high: 2547.812255859375
Tick: 306, close: 2604.8173828125, avg: 2150.3934423828123, low: 2236.636474609375, high: 2556.748046875
Tick: 307, close: 2493.548828125, avg: 2148.8995556640625, low: 2287.68798828125, high: 2604.8173828125
Tick: 308, close: 2726.773193359375, avg: 2152.547412109375, low: 2291.809326171875, high: 2604.8173828125
Tick: 309, close: 2836.7431640625, avg: 2161.912275390625, low: 2371.872314453125, high: 2726.773193359375
Tick: 310, close: 2878.633544921875, avg: 2172.2023388671873, low: 2457.61279296875, high: 2836.7431640625
Tick: 311, close: 3171.605712890625, avg: 2190.9236474609374, low: 2493.548828125, high: 2878.633544921875
Tick: 312, close: 3005.310791015625, avg: 2207.4538330078126, low: 2493.548828125, high: 3171.605712890625
Tick: 313, close: 3170.44482421875, avg: 2226.2078515625, low: 2493.548828125, high: 3171.605712890625
Tick: 314, close: 3143.90869140625, avg: 2251.4761669921877, low: 2493.548828125, high: 3171.605712890625
Tick: 315, close: 3176.528076171875, avg: 2277.3152197265626, low: 2726.773193359375, high: 3171.605712890625
Tick: 316, close: 3035.422607421875, avg: 2298.528488769531, low: 2836.7431640625, high: 3176.528076171875
Tick: 317, close: 3329.08203125, avg: 2325.486701660156, low: 2878.633544921875, high: 3176.528076171875
Tick: 318, close: 3278.476806640625, avg: 2354.8231298828123, low: 3005.310791015625, high: 3329.08203125
Tick: 319, close: 3300.9580078125, avg: 2384.4134423828127, low: 3005.310791015625, high: 3329.08203125
Tick: 320, close: 3161.592041015625, avg: 2407.9704907226565, low: 3035.422607421875, high: 3329.08203125
Tick: 321, close: 3022.208251953125, avg: 2426.762487792969, low: 3035.422607421875, high: 3329.08203125
Entered to a position
Tick: 322, close: 3031.83447265625, avg: 2444.2434545898436, low: 3022.208251953125, high: 3329.08203125
Tick: 323, close: 3184.545166015625, avg: 2462.3314916992185, low: 3022.208251953125, high: 3329.08203125
Tick: 324, close: 3288.931884765625, avg: 2485.9609106445314, low: 3022.208251953125, high: 3329.08203125
Tick: 325, close: 3226.136474609375, avg: 2507.621486816406, low: 3022.208251953125, high: 3300.9580078125
Tick: 326, close: 3235.71826171875, avg: 2527.9601635742188, low: 3022.208251953125, high: 3300.9580078125
Tick: 327, close: 3314.27978515625, avg: 2547.8170336914063, low: 3022.208251953125, high: 3288.931884765625
Exited the position
Tick: 328, close: 3164.071044921875, avg: 2567.272873535156, low: 3022.208251953125, high: 3314.27978515625
Tick: 329, close: 3213.921875, avg: 2585.0007250976564, low: 3031.83447265625, high: 3314.27978515625
Tick: 330, close: 3093.651123046875, avg: 2600.6596752929686, low: 3164.071044921875, high: 3314.27978515625
Entered to a position
Tick: 331, close: 3263.108154296875, avg: 2623.6243676757813, low: 3093.651123046875, high: 3314.27978515625
Tick: 332, close: 3227.8505859375, avg: 2645.2508129882813, low: 3093.651123046875, high: 3314.27978515625
Tick: 333, close: 3215.328125, avg: 2667.1169360351564, low: 3093.651123046875, high: 3314.27978515625
Tick: 334, close: 3216.791259765625, avg: 2688.501989746094, low: 3093.651123046875, high: 3314.27978515625
Tick: 335, close: 3442.265869140625, avg: 2716.5258911132814, low: 3093.651123046875, high: 3263.108154296875
Exited the position
Tick: 336, close: 3815.57666015625, avg: 2753.9649096679686, low: 3093.651123046875, high: 3442.265869140625
Analyzing the strategy results#
After the strategy is run, we need to figure out how well it performs. We use Backtrader provided analysis tools to understand the strategy perforamnce.
strategy: Double7 = results[0]
Key figures#
Some standard performance figures for quantative finance.
print(f"Backtesting range {} - {}")
print(f"Sharpe: {strategy.analyzers.sharperatio.get_analysis()['sharperatio']:.3f}")
print(f"Normalised annual return: {strategy.analyzers.returns.get_analysis()['rnorm100']:.2f}%")
print(f"Max drawdown: {strategy.analyzers.drawdown.get_analysis()['max']['drawdown']:.2f}%")
Backtesting range 2020-10-01 - 2021-09-01
Sharpe: 1.793
Normalised annual return: 4.69%
Max drawdown: 14.28%
Trade analysis and portfolio overall development#
The Backtrader default output chart will display the portfolio value develoment and when the individual trades were made.
import datetime
import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot
# Increase the size of the chart to be more readable,
# look better on high DPI monitor output
pyplot.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [15, 7.5]
# We can cut the head period of the backtesting away,
# as there aren't any trades until the first moving average time period is complete
trading_begins_at = (BACKTESTING_BEGINS + MOVING_AVERAGE_CANDLES * datetime.timedelta(days=1)).date()
# Get all produced figures (one per strategy)
figs = cerebro.plot(iplot=True, start=trading_begins_at)
# Output the strategy overview figure