
tradeexecutor.ethereum.execution.EthereumExecutionModel Python class in Trading Strategy framework.

class EthereumExecutionModel[source]#

Bases: ExecutionModel

Run order execution on a single Uniswap v2 style exchanges.

abstract __init__(tx_builder, min_balance_threshold=Decimal('0.5'), confirmation_block_count=6, confirmation_timeout=datetime.timedelta(seconds=300), max_slippage=0.01, stop_on_execution_failure=True, swap_gas_fee_limit=2000000, mainnet_fork=False)[source]#
  • tx_builder (TransactionBuilder) – Hot wallet instance used for this execution

  • min_balance_threshold – Abort execution if our hot wallet gas fee balance drops below this

  • confirmation_block_count – How many blocks to wait for the receipt confirmations to mitigate unstable chain tip issues

  • confirmation_timeout – How long we wait transactions to clear

  • stop_on_execution_failure – Raise an exception if any of the trades fail top execute

  • max_slippage (float) –

    TODO: No longer used. Set in TradeExecution object.

    Max slippage tolerance per trade. 0.01 is 1%.

  • mainnet_fork – Is this Anvil in automining mainnet fork mode


__init__(tx_builder[, ...])

param tx_builder:

analyse_trade_by_receipt(web3, uniswap, tx, ...)

Links to either uniswap v2 or v3 implementation in eth_defi

broadcast_and_resolve(state, trades[, ...])

Do the live trade execution.

execute_trades(ts, state, trades, ...[, ...])

Execute the trades determined by the algo on a designed Uniswap v2 instance.


Get needed details to establish a routing state.


Set up the wallet



Do we support stop-loss/take profit functionality with this execution model?


Returns true if instance is related to Uniswap V3, else false.


Links to either uniswap v2 or v3 implementation in eth_defi

pre_execute_assertions(ts, routing_model, ...)


Check that we can connect to the web3 node


Repair unconfirmed trades.

resolve_trades(ts, state, tx_map, receipts)

Resolve trade outcome.

update_confirmation_status(ts, tx_map, receipts)

First update the state of all transactions, as we now have receipt for them.



Which chain the live execution is connected to.


abstract __init__(tx_builder, min_balance_threshold=Decimal('0.5'), confirmation_block_count=6, confirmation_timeout=datetime.timedelta(seconds=300), max_slippage=0.01, stop_on_execution_failure=True, swap_gas_fee_limit=2000000, mainnet_fork=False)[source]#
  • tx_builder (TransactionBuilder) – Hot wallet instance used for this execution

  • min_balance_threshold – Abort execution if our hot wallet gas fee balance drops below this

  • confirmation_block_count – How many blocks to wait for the receipt confirmations to mitigate unstable chain tip issues

  • confirmation_timeout – How long we wait transactions to clear

  • stop_on_execution_failure – Raise an exception if any of the trades fail top execute

  • max_slippage (float) –

    TODO: No longer used. Set in TradeExecution object.

    Max slippage tolerance per trade. 0.01 is 1%.

  • mainnet_fork – Is this Anvil in automining mainnet fork mode

property chain_id: int#

Which chain the live execution is connected to.

abstract analyse_trade_by_receipt(web3, uniswap, tx, tx_hash, tx_receipt, input_args)[source]#

Links to either uniswap v2 or v3 implementation in eth_defi

Return type: |

abstract mock_partial_deployment_for_analysis()[source]#

Links to either uniswap v2 or v3 implementation in eth_defi

abstract is_v3()[source]#

Returns true if instance is related to Uniswap V3, else false. Kind of a hack to be able to share resolve trades function amongst v2 and v3.


Repair unconfirmed trades.

Repair trades that failed to properly broadcast or confirm due to blockchain node issues.


state (State) –

Return type:



Do we support stop-loss/take profit functionality with this execution model?

  • For backtesting we need to have data stream for candles used to calculate stop loss

  • For production execution, we need to have special oracle data streams for checking real-time stop loss

Return type:



Check that we can connect to the web3 node


Set up the wallet

broadcast_and_resolve(state, trades, confirmation_timeout=datetime.timedelta(seconds=60), confirmation_block_count=0, stop_on_execution_failure=False)[source]#

Do the live trade execution.

  • Push trades to a live blockchain

  • Wait transactions to be mined

  • Based on the transaction result, update the state of the trade if it was success or not

  • confirmation_block_count (int) – How many blocks to wait until marking transaction as confirmed

  • stop_on_execution_failure – If any of the transactions fail, then raise an exception. Set for unit test.

  • state (State) –

  • trades (List[TradeExecution]) –

  • confirmation_timeout (timedelta) –


Max time to wait for a confirmation.

We can use zero or negative values to simulate unconfirmed trades. See test_broadcast_failed_and_repair_state.

execute_trades(ts, state, trades, routing_model, routing_state, check_balances=False)[source]#

Execute the trades determined by the algo on a designed Uniswap v2 instance.


Tuple List of succeeded trades, List of failed trades


Get needed details to establish a routing state.

Return type:


update_confirmation_status(ts, tx_map, receipts)[source]#

First update the state of all transactions, as we now have receipt for them. Update the transaction confirmation status

Return type:


resolve_trades(ts, state, tx_map, receipts, stop_on_execution_failure=True)[source]#

Resolve trade outcome.

Read on-chain Uniswap swap data from the transaction receipt and record how it went.

Mutates the trade objects in-place.
