Source code for tradeexecutor.ethereum.uniswap_v2_execution

"""Execution model where trade happens directly on Uniswap v2 style exchange."""

import datetime
from decimal import Decimal
import logging

from web3 import Web3

from eth_defi.hotwallet import HotWallet
from import TradeSuccess, TradeFail

#from tradeexecutor.strategy.execution_model import ExecutionModel
from tradeexecutor.ethereum.execution import EthereumExecutionModel

import logging
import datetime
from decimal import Decimal

from web3 import Web3

from eth_defi.hotwallet import HotWallet
from eth_defi.uniswap_v2.fees import estimate_sell_price_decimals
from eth_defi.uniswap_v2.analysis import TradeSuccess, analyse_trade_by_receipt
from eth_defi.uniswap_v2.deployment import UniswapV2Deployment, mock_partial_deployment_for_analysis
from tradeexecutor.state.identifier import TradingPairIdentifier

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class UniswapV2ExecutionModel(EthereumExecutionModel): """Run order execution on a single Uniswap v2 style exchanges."""
[docs] def __init__(self, web3: Web3, hot_wallet: HotWallet, min_balance_threshold=Decimal("0.5"), confirmation_block_count=6, confirmation_timeout=datetime.timedelta(minutes=5), max_slippage: float = 0.01, stop_on_execution_failure=True, swap_gas_fee_limit=2_000_000): """ :param web3: Web3 connection used for this instance :param hot_wallet: Hot wallet instance used for this execution :param min_balance_threshold: Abort execution if our hot wallet gas fee balance drops below this :param confirmation_block_count: How many blocks to wait for the receipt confirmations to mitigate unstable chain tip issues :param confirmation_timeout: How long we wait transactions to clear :param stop_on_execution_failure: Raise an exception if any of the trades fail top execute :param max_slippage: Max slippage tolerance per trade. 0.01 is 1%. """ super().__init__( web3, hot_wallet, min_balance_threshold, confirmation_block_count, confirmation_timeout, max_slippage, stop_on_execution_failure, swap_gas_fee_limit )
[docs] @staticmethod def analyse_trade_by_receipt( web3: Web3, uniswap: UniswapV2Deployment, tx: dict, tx_hash: str, tx_receipt: dict ) -> (TradeSuccess | TradeFail): return analyse_trade_by_receipt(web3, uniswap, tx, tx_hash, tx_receipt)
[docs] @staticmethod def mock_partial_deployment_for_analysis( web3: Web3, router_address: str ) -> UniswapV2Deployment: return mock_partial_deployment_for_analysis(web3, router_address)
[docs] @staticmethod def is_v3() -> bool: """Returns true if instance is related to Uniswap V3, else false. Kind of a hack to be able to share resolve trades function amongst v2 and v3.""" return False
[docs]def get_current_price(web3: Web3, uniswap: UniswapV2Deployment, pair: TradingPairIdentifier, quantity=Decimal(1)) -> float: """Get a price from Uniswap v2 pool, assuming you are selling 1 unit of base token. Does decimal adjustment. :return: Price in quote token. """ price = estimate_sell_price_decimals(uniswap, pair.base.checksum_address, pair.quote.checksum_address, quantity) return float(price)