Source code for tradeexecutor.cli.commands.start

"""start command

TODO: Restructure and move backtesting related functionality to a separate command

import datetime
import faulthandler
import logging
import os
import time
from decimal import Decimal
from pathlib import Path
from queue import Queue
from typing import Optional

import typer

from eth_defi.gas import GasPriceMethod
from tradingstrategy.chain import ChainId
from tradingstrategy.client import Client
from tradingstrategy.testing.uniswap_v2_mock_client import UniswapV2MockClient
from tradingstrategy.timebucket import TimeBucket

from . import shared_options
from .app import app, TRADE_EXECUTOR_VERSION
from ..bootstrap import prepare_executor_id, prepare_cache, create_web3_config, create_state_store, \
    create_execution_and_sync_model, create_metadata, create_approval_model, create_client
from ..log import setup_logging, setup_discord_logging, setup_logstash_logging, setup_file_logging, \
from ..loop import ExecutionLoop
from ..result import display_backtesting_results
from ..version_info import VersionInfo
from ..watchdog import stop_watchdog
from ...ethereum.enzyme.vault import EnzymeVaultSyncModel
from ...ethereum.uniswap_v2.uniswap_v2_routing import UniswapV2Routing
from ...state.state import State
from import NoneStore, JSONFileStore
from ...strategy.approval import ApprovalType
from ...strategy.bootstrap import import_strategy_file
from ...strategy.cycle import CycleDuration
from ...strategy.default_routing_options import TradeRouting
from ...strategy.execution_context import ExecutionContext, ExecutionMode
from ...strategy.execution_model import AssetManagementMode
from ...strategy.routing import RoutingModel
from ...strategy.run_state import RunState
from ...strategy.strategy_cycle_trigger import StrategyCycleTrigger
from ...strategy.strategy_module import read_strategy_module, StrategyModuleInformation
from ...utils.timer import timed_task
from ...webhook.server import create_webhook_server

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@app.command() def start( # Strategy assets id: str =, name: Optional[str] =, short_description: Optional[str] = typer.Option(None, envvar="SHORT_DESCRIPTION", help="Short description for metadata"), long_description: Optional[str] = typer.Option(None, envvar="LONG_DESCRIPTION", help="Long description for metadata"), badges: Optional[str] = typer.Option(None, envvar="BADGES", help="Comma separated list of badges to be displayed on the strategy tile"), icon_url: Optional[str] = typer.Option(None, envvar="ICON_URL", help="Strategy icon for web rendering and Discord avatar"), strategy_file: Path = shared_options.strategy_file, # Live trading or backtest asset_management_mode: AssetManagementMode = shared_options.asset_management_mode, vault_address: Optional[str] = shared_options.vault_address, vault_adapter_address: Optional[str] = shared_options.vault_adapter_address, vault_payment_forwarder_address: Optional[str] = shared_options.vault_payment_forwarder, trading_strategy_api_key: str = shared_options.trading_strategy_api_key, # Webhook server options http_enabled: bool = typer.Option(False, envvar="HTTP_ENABLED", help="Enable Webhook server"), http_port: int = typer.Option(3456, envvar="HTTP_PORT", help="Which HTTP port to listen. The default is 3456, the default port of Pyramid web server."), http_host: str = typer.Option("", envvar="HTTP_HOST", help="The IP address to bind for the web server. By default listen to all IP addresses available in the run-time environment."), http_username: str = typer.Option(None, envvar="HTTP_USERNAME", help="Username for HTTP Basic Auth protection of webhooks"), http_password: str = typer.Option(None, envvar="HTTP_PASSWORD", help="Password for HTTP Basic Auth protection of webhooks"), http_wait_good_startup_seconds: int = typer.Option(60, envvar="HTTP_WAIT_GOOD_STARTUP_SECONDS", help="How long we wait befor switching the web server mode where an exception does not bring the web server down"), # Web3 connection options json_rpc_binance: Optional[str] = shared_options.json_rpc_binance, json_rpc_polygon: Optional[str] = shared_options.json_rpc_polygon, json_rpc_ethereum: Optional[str] = shared_options.json_rpc_ethereum, json_rpc_avalanche: Optional[str] = shared_options.json_rpc_avalanche, json_rpc_arbitrum: Optional[str] = shared_options.json_rpc_arbitrum, json_rpc_anvil: Optional[str] = shared_options.json_rpc_anvil, gas_price_method: Optional[GasPriceMethod] = typer.Option(None, envvar="GAS_PRICE_METHOD", help="How to set the gas price for Ethereum transactions. After the Berlin hardfork Ethereum mainnet introduced base + tip cost gas model. Leave out to autodetect."), confirmation_timeout: int = typer.Option(900, envvar="CONFIRMATION_TIMEOUT", help="How many seconds to wait for transaction batches to confirm"), confirmation_block_count: int = shared_options.confirmation_block_count, private_key: Optional[str] = shared_options.private_key, min_gas_balance: Optional[float] = shared_options.min_gas_balance, gas_balance_warning_level: Optional[float] = typer.Option(25.0, envvar="GAS_BALANCE_WARNING_LEVEL", help="If hot wallet gas level falls below this amount of tokens, issue a low gas warning."), # Logging discord_webhook_url: Optional[str] = typer.Option(None, envvar="DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL", help="Discord webhook URL for notifications"), logstash_server: Optional[str] = typer.Option(None, envvar="LOGSTASH_SERVER", help="LogStash server hostname where to send logs"), file_log_level: Optional[str] = typer.Option("info", envvar="FILE_LOG_LEVEL", help="Log file log level. The default log file is logs/id.log."), # Debugging and unit testing port_mortem_debugging: bool = typer.Option(False, "--post-mortem-debugging", envvar="POST_MORTEM_DEBUGGING", help="Launch ipdb debugger on a main loop crash to debug the exception"), clear_caches: bool = typer.Option(False, "--clear-caches", envvar="CLEAR_CACHES", help="Purge any dataset download caches before starting"), unit_testing: bool = shared_options.unit_testing, reset_state: bool = typer.Option(False, envvar="RESET_STATE", help="Recreate the state file. Used for testing. Same as running trade-executor init command"), max_cycles: int = typer.Option(None, envvar="MAX_CYCLES", help="Max main loop cycles run in an automated testing mode"), debug_dump_file: Optional[Path] = typer.Option(None, envvar="DEBUG_DUMP_FILE", help="Write Python Pickle dump of all internal debugging states of the strategy run to this file"), # Backtesting backtest_start: Optional[datetime.datetime] = typer.Option(None, envvar="BACKTEST_START", help="Start timestamp of backesting"), backtest_end: Optional[datetime.datetime] = typer.Option(None, envvar="BACKTEST_END", help="End timestamp of backesting"), backtest_candle_time_frame_override: Optional[TimeBucket] = typer.Option(None, envvar="BACKTEST_CANDLE_TIME_FRAME_OVERRIDE", help="Force backtests to use different candle time frame"), backtest_stop_loss_time_frame_override: Optional[TimeBucket] = typer.Option(None, envvar="BACKTEST_STOP_LOSS_TIME_FRAME_OVERRIDE", help="Force backtests to use different candle time frame for stop losses"), # Test EVM backend when running e2e tests test_evm_uniswap_v2_router: Optional[str] = shared_options.test_evm_uniswap_v2_router, test_evm_uniswap_v2_factory: Optional[str] = shared_options.test_evm_uniswap_v2_factory, test_evm_uniswap_v2_init_code_hash: Optional[str] = shared_options.test_evm_uniswap_v2_init_code_hash, # Live trading configuration max_slippage: float = shared_options.max_slippage, approval_type: ApprovalType = typer.Option("unchecked", envvar="APPROVAL_TYPE", help="Set a manual approval flow for trades"), stop_loss_check_frequency: Optional[TimeBucket] = typer.Option(None, envvar="STOP_LOSS_CYCLE_DURATION", help="Override live/backtest stop loss check frequency. If not given read from the strategy module."), cycle_offset_minutes: int = typer.Option(8, envvar="CYCLE_OFFSET_MINUTES", help="How many minutes we wait after the tick before executing the tick step"), stats_refresh_minutes: int = typer.Option(60.0, envvar="STATS_REFRESH_MINUTES", help="How often we refresh position statistics. Default to once in an hour."), cycle_duration: CycleDuration = typer.Option(None, envvar="CYCLE_DURATION", help="How long strategy tick cycles use to execute the strategy. While strategy modules offer their own cycle duration value, you can override it here for unit testing."), position_trigger_check_minutes: int = typer.Option(3.0, envvar="POSITION_TRIGGER_CHECK_MINUTES", help="How often we check for take profit/stop loss triggers. Default to once in 3 minutes. Set 0 to disable."), max_data_delay_minutes: int = typer.Option(1*60, envvar="MAX_DATA_DELAY_MINUTES", help="If our data feed is delayed more than this minutes, abort the execution. Defaults to 1 hours. Used by both strategy cycle trigger types."), trade_immediately: bool = typer.Option(False, "--trade-immediately", envvar="TRADE_IMMEDIATELY", help="Perform the first rebalance immediately, do not wait for the next trading universe refresh"), strategy_cycle_trigger: StrategyCycleTrigger = typer.Option("cycle_offset", envvar="STRATEGY_CYCLE_TRIGGER", help="How do decide when to start executing the next live trading strategy cycle"), key_metrics_backtest_cut_off_days: float = typer.Option(90, envvar="KEY_METRIC_BACKTEST_CUT_OFF_DAYS", help="How many days live data is collected until key metrics are switched from backtest to live trading based"), check_accounts: bool = typer.Option(True, "--check-accounts", envvar="CHECK_ACCOUNTS", help="Do extra accounting checks to track mismatch balances"), sync_treasury_on_startup: bool = typer.Option(True, "--sync-treasury-on-startup", envvar="SYNC_TREASURY_ON_STARTUP", help="Sync treasury events before starting any trading"), # Logging log_level: str = shared_options.log_level, # Various file configurations state_file: Optional[Path] = shared_options.state_file, backtest_result: Optional[Path] = shared_options.backtest_result, notebook_report: Optional[Path] = shared_options.notebook_report, html_report: Optional[Path] = shared_options.html_report, cache_path: Optional[Path] = shared_options.cache_path, ): """Launch Trade Executor instance.""" global logger started_at = datetime.datetime.utcnow() # Guess id from the strategy file id = prepare_executor_id(id, strategy_file) # We always need a name-*- if not name: if strategy_file: name = os.path.basename(strategy_file) else: name = "Unnamed backtest" if not log_level: if asset_management_mode == AssetManagementMode.backtest: log_level = logging.WARNING else: log_level = logging.INFO # Make sure unit tests run logs do not get polluted # Don't touch any log levels, but # make sure we have available when # log_level is "disabled" logger = setup_logging(log_level, in_memory_buffer=True) if discord_webhook_url and asset_management_mode.is_live_trading(): # TODO: Move backtesting to its own console command setup_discord_logging( name, webhook_url=discord_webhook_url, avatar_url=icon_url) if logstash_server and asset_management_mode.is_live_trading():"Enabling Logstash logging to %s", logstash_server) setup_logstash_logging( logstash_server, f"executor-{id}", # Always prefix logged with executor id quiet=False, ) else:"Logstash logging disabled") setup_file_logging( f"logs/{id}.log", file_log_level, http_logging=True, ) try: if not state_file: if asset_management_mode != AssetManagementMode.backtest: state_file = f"state/{id}.json" else: # Backtest generates a state file for the web frontend # TODO: Avoid legacy unit test issues if not unit_testing: state_file = Path(f"state/{id}-backtest.json") if state_file.exists(): os.remove(state_file) cache_path = prepare_cache(id, cache_path, unit_testing) confirmation_timeout = datetime.timedelta(seconds=confirmation_timeout) if asset_management_mode in (AssetManagementMode.hot_wallet, AssetManagementMode.dummy, AssetManagementMode.enzyme): web3config = create_web3_config( json_rpc_binance=json_rpc_binance, json_rpc_polygon=json_rpc_polygon, json_rpc_avalanche=json_rpc_avalanche, json_rpc_ethereum=json_rpc_ethereum, json_rpc_anvil=json_rpc_anvil, json_rpc_arbitrum=json_rpc_arbitrum, gas_price_method=gas_price_method, unit_testing=unit_testing, ) if not web3config.has_any_connection(): raise RuntimeError("Live trading requires that you pass JSON-RPC connection to one of the networks") else: web3config = None # TODO: This strategy file is reloaded again in # We do an extra hop here, because we need to know chain_id associated with the strategy, # because there is an inversion of control issue for passing web3 connection around. # Clean this up in the future versions, by changing the order of initialzation. mod = read_strategy_module(strategy_file) # Overwrite name, short and long descriptions from the strategy file # and ignore legacy env config if name = if mod.short_description: short_description = mod.short_description if mod.long_description: long_description = mod.long_description if mod.icon: icon_url = mod.icon if web3config is not None: if isinstance(mod, StrategyModuleInformation): # This path is not enabled for legacy strategy modules if mod.get_default_chain_id(): # Strategy tells what chain to use web3config.set_default_chain(mod.get_default_chain_id()) web3config.check_default_chain_id() else: # User has configured only one chain, use it web3config.choose_single_chain() else: # Legacy unit testing path. # All chain_ids are 56 (BNB Chain) logger.warning("Legacy strategy module: makes assumption of BNB Chain") web3config.set_default_chain(ChainId.bsc) if min_gas_balance: min_gas_balance = Decimal(min_gas_balance) if unit_testing: # Do not let Ganache to wait for too long # because likely Ganache has simply crashed on background confirmation_timeout = datetime.timedelta(seconds=30) execution_model, sync_model, valuation_model_factory, pricing_model_factory = create_execution_and_sync_model( asset_management_mode=asset_management_mode, private_key=private_key, web3config=web3config, confirmation_timeout=confirmation_timeout, confirmation_block_count=confirmation_block_count, max_slippage=max_slippage, min_gas_balance=min_gas_balance, vault_address=vault_address, vault_adapter_address=vault_adapter_address, vault_payment_forwarder_address=vault_payment_forwarder_address, routing_hint=mod.trade_routing, ) approval_model = create_approval_model(approval_type) if state_file: store = create_state_store(Path(state_file)) else: # Backtests do not have persistent state if asset_management_mode == AssetManagementMode.backtest:"This backtest run won't create a state file") store = NoneStore(State()) else: raise RuntimeError("Does not know how to set up a state file for this run") if isinstance(sync_model, EnzymeVaultSyncModel): vault = sync_model.vault else: vault = None if http_enabled: # We need to have the results from the previous backtest run # to be used with the web frontend if asset_management_mode.is_live_trading() and not unit_testing: if not backtest_result: backtest_result = Path(f"state/{id}-backtest.json") if not backtest_result.exists(): logger.warning(f"Previous backtest results are needed to show them on the web.\n" f"The BACKTEST_RESULT file {backtest_result.absolute()} does not exist.") backtest_result = None if not html_report and backtest_result: html_report = Path(f"state/{id}-backtest.html") if not notebook_report and backtest_result: notebook_report = Path(f"state/{id}-backtest.ipynb") metadata = create_metadata( name, short_description, long_description, icon_url, asset_management_mode, chain_id=mod.get_default_chain_id(), vault=vault, backtest_result=backtest_result, backtest_notebook=notebook_report, backtest_html=html_report, key_metrics_backtest_cut_off_days=key_metrics_backtest_cut_off_days, badges=badges, tags=mod.tags, hot_wallet=sync_model.get_hot_wallet(), sort_priority=mod.sort_priority, ) # Start the queue that relays info from the web server to the strategy executor command_queue = Queue() run_state = RunState() run_state.version = VersionInfo.read_docker_version() run_state.executor_id = id run_state.hot_wallet_gas_warning_level = Decimal(gas_balance_warning_level) # Set up read-only state sync if not store.is_pristine(): run_state.read_only_state_copy = store.load() store.on_save = run_state.on_save_hook # Create our webhook server if http_enabled: server = create_webhook_server( http_host, http_port, http_username, http_password, command_queue, store, metadata, run_state, ) else:"Web server disabled") server = None # Routing model comes usually from the strategy and hard-coded blockchain defaults, # but for local dev chains it is dynamically constructed from the deployed contracts routing_model: RoutingModel = None client, routing_model = create_client( mod=mod, web3config=web3config, trading_strategy_api_key=trading_strategy_api_key, cache_path=cache_path, test_evm_uniswap_v2_factory=test_evm_uniswap_v2_factory, test_evm_uniswap_v2_router=test_evm_uniswap_v2_router, test_evm_uniswap_v2_init_code_hash=test_evm_uniswap_v2_init_code_hash, clear_caches=clear_caches, ) # Currently, all actions require us to have a valid API key # might change in the future if not client: raise RuntimeError("Trading Strategy API key needed. Make sure to give --trading-strategy-api-key or set TRADING_STRATEGY_API_KEY env.") tick_offset = datetime.timedelta(minutes=cycle_offset_minutes) if max_data_delay_minutes: max_data_delay = datetime.timedelta(minutes=max_data_delay_minutes)"Maximum price feed delay is {max_data_delay}") else:"Maximum price feed delay is not set") max_data_delay = None stats_refresh_frequency = datetime.timedelta(minutes=stats_refresh_minutes) position_trigger_check_frequency = datetime.timedelta(minutes=position_trigger_check_minutes)"Loading strategy file %s", strategy_file) strategy_factory = import_strategy_file(strategy_file)"%s (%s): trade execution starting", name, id) if backtest_start: assert asset_management_mode == AssetManagementMode.backtest, f"Expected backtest mode, got {asset_management_mode}" # We cannot have real-time triggered trades when doing backtestin strategy_cycle_trigger = StrategyCycleTrigger.cycle_offset # Running as a backtest execution_context = ExecutionContext( mode=ExecutionMode.backtesting, timed_task_context_manager=timed_task, engine_version=mod.trading_strategy_engine_version, ) else: if unit_testing: execution_context = ExecutionContext( mode=ExecutionMode.unit_testing_trading, timed_task_context_manager=timed_task, engine_version=mod.trading_strategy_engine_version, ) else: execution_context = ExecutionContext( mode=ExecutionMode.real_trading, timed_task_context_manager=timed_task, engine_version=mod.trading_strategy_engine_version, ) "Starting %s, with execution mode: %s, unit testing is %s, version is %s", name,, unit_testing, execution_context.engine_version, ) except Exception as e: # Logging is set up is in this point, so we can log this exception that # caused the start up to fail logger.critical("Startup failed: %s", e) logger.exception(e) raise # Allow to do Python thread dump using a signal with # docker-compose kill command if not unit_testing: faulthandler.enable() loop = ExecutionLoop( name=name, command_queue=command_queue, execution_model=execution_model, execution_context=execution_context, sync_model=sync_model, approval_model=approval_model, pricing_model_factory=pricing_model_factory, valuation_model_factory=valuation_model_factory, store=store, client=client, strategy_factory=strategy_factory, reset=reset_state, max_cycles=max_cycles, debug_dump_file=debug_dump_file, backtest_start=backtest_start, backtest_end=backtest_end, backtest_stop_loss_time_frame_override=backtest_stop_loss_time_frame_override, backtest_candle_time_frame_override=backtest_candle_time_frame_override, stop_loss_check_frequency=stop_loss_check_frequency, cycle_duration=cycle_duration, tick_offset=tick_offset, max_data_delay=max_data_delay, trade_immediately=trade_immediately, stats_refresh_frequency=stats_refresh_frequency, position_trigger_check_frequency=position_trigger_check_frequency, run_state=run_state, strategy_cycle_trigger=strategy_cycle_trigger, routing_model=routing_model, metadata=metadata, check_accounts=check_accounts, sync_treasury_on_startup=sync_treasury_on_startup, create_indicators=mod.create_indicators, parameters=mod.parameters, ) # Crash gracefully at the start up if our main loop cannot set itself up try: state = loop.setup() except Exception as e: logger.error("trade-executor crashed on initialisation: %s", e) raise e try: loop.run_with_state(state) # Display summary stats for terminal backtest runs if backtest_start: # TODO: Hack. Refactor Backtest to its own command / class, # Confusion how state should be passed from the execution loop to here if hasattr(store, "state"): display_backtesting_results(store.state) else: state = store.load() display_backtesting_results(state) if isinstance(store, JSONFileStore):"Wrote backtest result to %s", store.path.absolute()) except KeyboardInterrupt as e: # CTRL+C shutdown or watch dog crash # Watchdog detected a process has hung: Watched worker live_cycle did not report back in time. Threshold seconds 4500.0, but it has been 4503.594225645065 seconds. Shutting down. logger.error("trade-executor %s killed by watchdog or CTRL+C requested: %s. Shutting down.", id, e) logger.error("If you are running manually press CTRL+C again to quit") # Unwind the traceback and notify the webserver about the failure run_state.set_fail() logger.exception(e) stop_watchdog() # Dump all threads to stderr in order to see the stuck threads faulthandler.dump_traceback() # Spend the rest of the time idling time.sleep(3600*24*365) except Exception as e: logger.error("trade-executor %s execution loop crashed", id) # Unwind the traceback and notify the webserver about the failure run_state.set_fail() stop_watchdog() logger.exception(e) # Debug exceptions in production if port_mortem_debugging: import ipdb ipdb.post_mortem() running_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - started_at if (server is None) or (running_time < datetime.timedelta(seconds=http_wait_good_startup_seconds)): # Only terminate the process if the webhook server is not running, # otherwise the user can read the crash status from /status endpoint logger.error( "Raising the error and crashing away, running time was %s Run-time version was:\n%s", running_time, run_state.version ) raise else: # Execution is dead. # Sleep forever, let the webhook still serve the requests. logger.error( "Main loop terminated. Entering to the web server wait mode. Run-time version was:\n%s", run_state.version, ) time.sleep(3600*24*365) finally: if server:"Closing the web server") server.close()